Sustainable Sanitation Strategic Planning-Afghanistan Policy GoA to include ECOSAN in National policy and share with all stakeholders in 3 rd qrt 2009 Priorities GoA to consult with all stakeholders by the end of 2 nd qrt 2009 Integrated planning by end of 3 rd qrt of 2009 Targeting rural areas
Sustainable Sanitation Strategic Planning-Afghanistan Regional cooperation Regional workshops and study tours in 4 th qrt of 2009 Share experiences, technology options, lessons learned, etc in 4 th qrt of 2009 Networking/communication at national level Sustainability Establishment of O&M system in the plan Continuous monitoring of the activities
Sustainable Sanitation Strategic Planning-Afghanistan Technology Option Sharing of different ECOSAN technology options (software & hardware) with stakeholder/community by 4 th qrt of 2009 Project Identification Identification of one potential village at each district by 4 th qrt 2009 (total 360 villages)
Sustainable Sanitation Strategic Planning-Afghanistan Financing of hardware & software Fund allocation and on time utilization Capacity building Capacity building of Gov, NGOs, CDCs, DDA and private sector during 4 th qrt 2009 Implementation Survey/technical assessment in 4 th qrt 2009 Tendering/signing agreements for implementation in 1 st qrt 2010 Start of implementation in 2 nd qrt 2010
Sustainable Sanitation Strategic Planning-Afghanistan Supervision/Monitoring/Evaluation & Follow up Supervision on weekly basis Monitoring on monthly basis Evaluation by project completion Follow up of O&M Extension of projects to other 360 villages (2 nd phase) in 2011