Nutrition Picasa Editing By: Kelsie Bateman
Grains: 6-11 Servings I cropped this image along with using slight saturation with quite a bit of sharpening. BeforeAfter
Fruits: 2-4 Servings Before After I cropped this picture and added the feeling lucky. I also added a light highlight and saturation along with some glow with some intensity and a lot of radius. I also added the word apple with the “add text.”
Vegetables: 3-5 Servings Before After **I cropped this picture along with using auto contrast, highlights, shadow, color temp, and also some light saturation. I also used the “text box” editing tool to add the word tomatoes. ** The editing tools I used in this picture were the text box, cropped, shadow and also saturation. ** I also used the text box in this picture along with the cropping tool, shadow, and black and white.
Meat Group: 2-3 Servings Before After **I used the I’m feeling lucky tool along with shadow and the color temperature tool. I also used the text took to add the word chicken. **I cropped this picture along with adding the feeling lucky, text box, changing the color temperature, highlights and finally the fill color tool.
Milk Group: 2-3 Servings BeforeAfter For this picture I used straightened tool to get rid of some of the extra space along with feeling lucky, glow, focal black and white, and finally the text tool to add the word milk in!
Fats & Oils Group: Use Sparingly! BeforeAfter This picture I used a number of things to brighten up and make this photo better. I used the straightening tool, along with some highlights, shadow, color temperature, saturation, warmify, and finally glow. I also used the text tool to add the word pie in.
Which group do these belong?! BeforeAfter ** For this picture I used the cropping tool along with, the sharpened tool, saturation and glow. ** For this picture I used the cropping tool, along with the text tool, and feeling lucky. Finally I used auto contrast to make the picture perfect!
What about these?! Before After ** I used the cropping tool along with the texting tool. I used feeling lucky, highlights, and sharpen. ** I used the cropping tool along with feeling lucky.