Service Delivery Using Technology Alaska Pro Se Projects Alaska Legal Services Corporation Beth Heuer
AlaskaLawHelp Plus
TIG 02682: Pro Se Project Goals Provide pro se legal information, document preparation assistance, and referrals Learn about needs of pro se litigants (what information they are seeking, how they are using that information, and the extent to which they understand the legal system)
Three Components Placement of Internet-connected pro se workstations in selected Alaska courthouses Development of cluster resource tool for LawHelp template Creation of self-paced PowerPoint slide shows, in partnership with the Family Law Self-Help Center and the Disability Law Center of Alaska
Courthouse Workstations Internet-connected computer Microsoft Office suite Printer Telephone with toll-free access to local DV shelter, ALSC, Child Support Services Division, Family Law Helpline Centralized hardware/software administration and maintenance by Court System personnel
Workstation Usage Guidelines
Cluster Resource Tool
Collection of Slide Shows
“View a Slide Show” Channel
Web-based PowerPoints (click here for link) (click here for link)
Advice From Pro Se Litigants: Slide shows are easy to follow, have good explanations of complex terms, and provide directions for further help. It is helpful to have links to court forms, instructions, and definitions Users like being able to go back and replay the audio segments Family law users want in-depth information about hearing and trial preparation
Courthouse Workstations: Pros Free printing Word and Excel for document preparation Convenient location in courthouse Access point for pro se filers who need an essential form or document Court System’s ISS department provides maintenance and support Judges are supportive and want to see number of workstations increased
Courthouse Workstations: Cons No on-site ISS support in smaller communities Security software selected by Court System (Clean Slate) wiped out traces of workstation use each day, including the daily traffic report information we hoped to use to gain insight into the types of materials sought by pro se users
Recommendations: Court Clerk’s Office or Law Library? Explore three-way partnership: local legal services organization, court system, and public library system. Provide training to court system personnel court system early in the implementation phase Using PowerPoint for web-based slide shows is basically easy but has its limitations
Legal Learning Lab
Building on What We Learned
Pro Se Divorce Companion
Navigation Options
Roll-Over Definitions
Integrated Glossary
Searchable Text
Contact Information: Beth Heuer and Roy Roehl Alaska Legal Services Corporation 1648 Cushman, Suite 300 Fairbanks, Alaska