Generative Divergent Analysis (GDA)
Contemplative activity: No specific research question Ideas have time to incubate Possibility of acknowledging aspects of the phenomena that are not immediately relevant or meaningful Possibility of experiencing more fully The quality of the experience is central
Contrasted with interrogation Includes the less tangible qualities Relationship concept where knowledge occurs through acquaintanceship
Contrived serendipity rather than systematic data collection and analysis Exploring ideas evoked by the initial encounter with the evocative object (Turkle, 2005) as a ‘memorable moment’ or ‘bafflement’ (Brown & Jones, 2001) ‘turning towards’ and ‘turning away’
Interpretation is supported by orienting concepts Divergent thinking and creativity Ideational fluency Spontaneous flexibility Adaptive flexibility Elaboration Originality (Guilford, 1973)
Pictorial timetable Possible meanings: Reminder Independence Teacher’s authority Communication with parents Timetable design – - size and nature of the images Could also consider relocating the timetable e.g. from the reading area to the maths area
Applying the GDA model Home domain: organising the day Alternative domain: support for learning Alternative domain: parental involvement Alternative domain: design Alternative domain: authority of the teacher Alternative domains relate to fluency and flexibility ‘Turning towards’: children leave their book bags in the reading area and incidentally get reminded of how the day is structured
Home domain: organising the day Alternative domain: support for learning Alternative domain: parental involvement Alternative domain: design Alternative domain: authority of the teacher ‘Turning away’ Classroom as the third teacher: Broadening the concept of reading or learning mathematical concepts (strategies from semiotics) Self regulation/… relates to Foucault (Insidious disciplinary technologies and ‘bio power’) Structure/… independence/… relate to Derrida (binary analysis) Independence/…interdepen dence - relates to discourse of quality re. cultural values Discourse of parental involvement relates to Laclau & Mouffe (hegemony/antagonism)
The student teacher: “We don’t have a pictorial timetable in the class.” The class teacher: “The reason for the pictorial timetable was to support a child with Asperger’s syndrome” The potential value of generative divergent analysis Contemplative rather than active object Not used as part of a constructivist approach to display The conversation was potentially enhanced by the preceding generative divergent analysis This suggests:
Increasing the complexity of the professional conversation The potential value of generative divergent analysis
Research as contemplative activity relationship concept knowledge through acquaintanceship Evocative object elaborating interpretation orienting concepts ‘turning towards’ ‘turning away’ Elements of generative divergent analysis Divergent thinking and creativity Ideational fluency Spontaneous flexibility Adaptive flexibility Elaboration Originality