Southwest Natives By: Nemo, Big Deal Team Straus, Team Straus Maniac, Larry Boy
Southwest Art The art might have helped the women mostly. For example, the baskets could’ve helped the women by holding the crops. The jewelry, drums, and masks are for the cerimonies. The masks are animals or mythical creatures.
Southwest Food Southwest hunted animals like mammoths, buffalo, ate and grew corn, which became extinct! Their foods are deer, rabbit, nuts, squash seeds, mustard seeds, and pinto beans!
Southwest Climate and Environment The Anasazi lived on a mesa which is a land form made of rock. They built their home on the side of the mesa! Each family had at least two rooms. The climate of the southwest is very dry!!
Southwest Clothing They also got there clothes from animals skin. The clothing back then came from a colorful wool blanket.
Southwest Shelter The Anasazi Americans of the Southwest lived out of structures made of semi-circular masonry bricks and stones. Navajo would use teepees to avoid the rain!
Southwest Culture There were two groups of Native Americans The Anasazi were called Cliff Dwellers Their culture is kept through cerimonies! They had them for many different things! Ex: Marriage or Death!
Our Southwest Southwest is very nice, it has foods like squash an many more! They had very many cerimonies for a lot of things Marriage and many more! Their houses were called teepees and Hogan! Much of their land is a desert!