Reading in America In 2004, the National Endowment for the Arts put out a study called “Reading at Risk,” about the decline of reading in America. In 2007, another study showed that 1 in 4 adults read no books in (Fram, 2007) What do you think of these findings? Do they seem accurate to what you observe? What might a decline in reading say about a culture?
Update on Reading For the first time since the NEA began surveying American reading habits in and less than five years after it issued its famously gloomy "Reading at Risk" report -- the percentage of American adults who report reading "novels, short stories, poems or plays" has risen instead of declining: from 46.7 percent in 2002 to 50.2 percent in 2008 (Thompson, 2009). (Note: Nonfiction is excluded from the study) What might explain the increase of reading in the last 6 years?
Which books/authors do you enjoy? Which have inspired you?
Poetry In our unit we discussed poetry, which is rarely a best- seller. Why might poetry be less popular than fiction? Where are some places that poetry does exist and thrive in our culture?
Why Poetry? What are some of the unique benefits poetry can offer to the reader or listener?
What kind of fiction to you like? Classics Serious novels Short stories Do you have any favorite writers in these categories? Romances Murder-mystery Vampires Historical Which authors are your favorites?
What about non-fiction? Psychology / Philosophy Spirituality History Biographies Memoirs Travel and adventure Practical skills Computer training DIY Cookbooks Craft books Home renovations and decoration
How does the internet affect reading? Do you like reading material on the internet? Do you prefer e-books or real books? How much of your information do you get online? Do you find online information addictive? Do you spend much time browsing the day’s news?