What is the saddest thing in the world? People in poverty? The diseased? Mistreated people? Abused children? The saddest thing: a Christian who falls away.


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Presentation transcript:

What is the saddest thing in the world? People in poverty? The diseased? Mistreated people? Abused children? The saddest thing: a Christian who falls away Hb.3:12-14 Luke 16

I. We have become partakers of Heavenly calling, 3:1 (1:14) 2. Christ, 3:14  “…of His mind, and of the salvation procured by him” (Th. 407) 3. Holy Spirit, 6:4-5 (2:4) 4. Chastening, holiness, 12:8, 10

II. If we hold fast… I. We have become partakers II. If we hold fast… If If (emphatic): if indeed, if only partakersif  Calvinists see partakers; overlook if  Consequence: if no “if,” no conditions  If no conditions, one of two wrongs: UniversalismPartiality

we If we hold fast God has done His part – Grace; blood  His people, 13 Ultimate responsibility for our salvation rests on us Godgrace Sonwe Calvinists see “God,” “grace,” and “Son,” overlook “we”

hold fast If we hold fast “You don’t have to hold out, hold on, hold up, or hold anything” “You don’t have to hold out, hold on, hold up, or hold anything” – J. Falwell  J. Edwards: “the sure proof of elec- tion is that one holds out to the end”  A. T. Robertson: “These faltering believers (some even apostates) began with loud confidence and profession of loyalty. And now?”  Hebrews: 3:6, 14; 4:14; 10:23

I. We have become partakers II. If we hold fast III. The beginning of our confidence

They began well… Were devoted to the gospel, 10:32-34 Confidence Confidence: steadiness of mind, firmness, courage, resolution… firm trust, assurance (Th. 645)  10:35, the warning  11:1, the way out

I. We have become partakers II. If we hold fast III. The beginning of our confidence IV. Steadfast to the end

Past professions mean nothing w/o steadfastness to the end Steadfast Steadfast: unwavering and persistent, abiding Word 2:2 Hope 6:19 Christian 3:14

Warning after warning… Fall away Hb.6:4-6 Fail of grace Hb.12:15 Perdition Hb.10:38-39

to the end Steadfast to the end Finisher: Finisher: brings something to a successful conclusion  At His coming He will complete what His death began Hb.12:1 Weight… run with endurance Hb.12:2 Finisher (perfecter)

I. We have become partakers II. If we hold fast III. The beginning of our confidence V. Why Do So Many Fail? IV. Steadfast to the end

1.Neglect 1. Neglect, 2: Deceived 2. Deceived, 3:13 3. Stubborn 3. Stubborn, 3:7-4:11 * The Christian covets correction * Pro.9:8; 15:12 * 2 Sm.12: K.1:23, 32 * 2 Tim.3:16

1. Neglect 2. Deceived 3. Stubborn 4. Lazy 4. Lazy, 6:12 5. Forget 5. Forget, 10: Quit 6. Quit, 10:36 7. Priorities 7. Priorities, 12:16-17