Our journey to the excel centre was by coach! In my opinion the ride was really long! I could not wait because I knew there were a lot of exciting things to try out! I sat next to one of my best friends called Anila! On the way I saw the river Thames, London eye and Big Ben! It all looked magical! The river was flowing really slowly, and the river looked like diamonds shimmering in the sun!
IT WAS FUN! The first thing we did was house building! The man told us how to build a house. He first told us to look at the one he made up before, so we did. Then he told us the instructions and told us what number would match the other number. With all the helpful instructions me and my team made the house! I learnt how to build a house in an easy way!
After the house building activity we went to the food place. Me and my friend Anila thought that we could make food, but no, instead we did an waitress competition. All we had to do was hold three plates, one in each hand and the other one was on my arm. At first I was complicated but then I found it easy! Once I was there I was really excited but I had to focus, because I had to follow the arrows and not bump into anyone! My time was 8 seconds! I learnt how to hold three plates at a time and also how to be a waitress!
After that we finally we got to the Samsung area! The first thing I did was take a free photo with the Olympic torch but also get it printed out with a free frame! After I took my photo I went to the desk and the lady gave me my photo! But I was surprised because I had my photo next to David Beckham! Straight after that my group leader, Linda gave us all each a Samsung bag,2 badges and a ball holder! I was very pleased! Later I got a a puzzle to build a tower! Then My other friend called Neelofar gave me a turn to play on the ipods and iPads!! Learnt new things!
When I got to the cars area I was pleased because I always wanted to know how cars were built and how things were replaced! I was in luck because there was a competition for replacing a wheel! Well we took part as Linda's group and we did it so far in the lowest time! The time was 2mins! I learnt how to replace things by unscrewing things!
The second last thing we went to was the Acer area! When I got there it was a rush! The first thing I went for was a mug but lots of people were there and there were only a few of the mugs left! Some how I squeezed in and got one! I was really happy. Suddenly a man started giving out pens so I went there. Finally I had got one. Then I got to play on the laptop, so I went on to radiowaves! It was fun and I got quite a few things!
The last activity for the day was jewellery. I was really happy that I could make my self some jewellery and learn how to do it! When it was my turn I chose the colour gold and I carved my name in it! After that we had to ask a grown-up to make a hole and tie it round my wrist, so I asked the person who helped me carve my name in. I learnt how to make jewellery and I had fun making it!
Finally we headed home! Also I could have a rest of all the long walking! When we went home I sat next to Anila again and we talked the whole way back! I HAD A BRILLIANT FANTASTIC DAY!