Pedagoo-Write down one great thing that happened in your classroom last year! (an example of success or a strategy that worked) No pens lesson. Speech bubbles to develop debate and formal discussion with year 9. We can't talk posh sir! Oh yes you can! # pedagoofriday# pedagoofriday Whole class mind maps outside photographing each others ideas to use for the next stage of the lesson # pedagoofriday pedagoofriday Using inflatable microphones to enhance oracy in the classroom! # pedagoofriday# pedagoofriday Primary Ones LOVING their first go at Country Dancing, never seen such joy on a child's face! # Pedagoofriday# Pedagoofriday My # pedagoofriday moment - A 5 year old writing her name for the first time, she was so proud we visited a number of teachers to show it off.# pedagoofriday
5 Isn’t it just for stalking celebrities?
What will it do for me? “Teaching without Twitter is like walking around with your eyes closed” (unknown) “It’s time to realise that teachers who leverage social media for learning are at a greater advantage than those who don’t” “Teaching without Twitter is like playing tennis with a golf club”
Why Tweet? I’m busy enough!! AMAZING ideas and resources- my newsfeed is full of them everyday! Global Staffroom You will have 1000s of mentors- everyone wants to help Personalised, free CPD at your fingertips 24/7 Inspirational people Networking- It will open doors for you professionally- especially if you combine it with a Blog! Continuing PERSONALISED Development
Stage 1 - Lurking Twitterchat
The vocab “Tweet” – an update of max 140 characters - a reply “#” (or hashtag) – a topic. “RT (or re-tweet)” – ‘forwarding’ someone else’s tweet “Follow” – to subscribe to someone’s tweets
Hashtags #ukedchat #pedagoo #pedagoofriday #ukgovchat (governors) #nqtchat #sltchat #ntchat (new teachers) Plus loads of subject specific ones
Stage 2 - Connecting Create a professional account Link to your blog Respond to some people. Fill in your profile
Getting started Choose a username – short, snappy & relevant is best Add a description – Subject, extra responsibility, interests, areas of expertise etc Add a profile picture – careful now!
Who to follow? Someone you know personally The people they follow People whose tweets about a hashtag interest you Each other
People I’ve Found @chris_hildrew (See full list in your booklet)
#TEAMsrs on (Dr (Rachael Edgar SLT (School (Carla Shanley DHT (Louise Prior SLT CL (Rachel Green DHT (Carla Kenny SLT CL (Stephanie Trueman Pri (Wendy Banks YGL (Marianne Hughes KS1 (Joyce Mcfarlane Head of (Joy Kafero (Anita Rebello KS1 teacher) ( Follow your colleagues, let me know if you are new to SRS, are on Twitter and not on this list)
People will follow those who they may find it useful to follow
Stage 3 - Crowdsourcing Regular discussions Focused support. #ukedchat – Thurs 8pm #planningpanic- Sun 8pm
What should I Tweet about? Be interested Be interesting Be generous Connect
Twittiquete Use this as a professional resource Remember that Twitter is public Tweet really interesting stuff only Decide how you want to use Twitter DON’T tweet confidential stuff Just tried ‘this new learning strategy’ with Y7 and it worked well. Good! Grrrr! my Y9 Wednesday P1 class is really ******* ** *** ***** Time to look for a new career
Get Tweeting I have produced a ‘Quick Start’ Beginners guide for you which includes: How to set up your account Twitter speak to get you started A list of the most useful educators, I have found, on the net, for you to start following.. For the more advanced learners amongst you There is also a more detailed guide produced by ‘Creative Education’ Also see this link where there is tons of ideas for Twitter use in education: Log on to your nearest computer and join the Twitter hype!