Notes – from Monday 1. Ithaca and Troy 1. Menelaus and Agamemnon take Odysseus to fight in Troy. 2. Athena wants Odysseus to be immortal 3. Achilles and.


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Presentation transcript:

Notes – from Monday 1. Ithaca and Troy 1. Menelaus and Agamemnon take Odysseus to fight in Troy. 2. Athena wants Odysseus to be immortal 3. Achilles and Odysseus fight and Achilles dies in year 7 4. Odysseus builds the Trojan Horse 5. Divine Intervention – Poseidon kills Lancoon with a sea serpent to protect the Greeks in the Trojan Horse 6. Hubris – Odysseus says he does not need the Gods. This angers Poseidon. 2. Ismarus – skip 3. Lotus Eaters – skip

Vocabulary Ego Inflation -

Formative Part 1 of The Odyssey – October, 14, 2014

a. Athena b. Achilles and Athena c. Telemachos d. Telemachos and Penelope

a. Athena b. Lancoon c. Poseidon d. King Priam

a. He will not be granted divine intervention b. He will be forever lost at sea c. He will no longer be king d. He will become mortal

a. The Greeks lost the war b. Odysseus made the Trojan Horse c. Odysseus displays hubris d. Athena helps Odysseus

Notes – for Tuesday 4. Cyclops 1. Odysseus and his men 2. Polyphemos 3. Divine Intervention – 4. Hubris - 5. Aeolis 1. Aeolis 2. Odysseus 3. Divine Intervention – 6. Laestrygoinans – skip 7. Circe 1. Odysseus’ men 2. Circe 3. Odysseus 4. Divine Intervention -

Vocabulary Underworld, Hades

Formative Part 2 of The Odyssey – October, 15, 2014

a. Son of Poseidon b. God of the sea c. King of Sparta d. Achilles’ cousin

a. Sea b. Love c. War d. Wind

a. Odysseus traps Polyphemos in the cave b. Odysseus says his name is “Nobody” c. Odysseus kills Polyphemos d. Odysseus tells Polyphemos he is friends with Poseidon

a. Odysseus can use it to kill enemies b. Odysseus can give it to the gods for help c. Odysseus can use it to travel home d. Odysseus can use it to make a whirlpool

a. She tortures Odysseus b. She alters time c. She send Odysseus home d. She marries Odysseus

Notebook check Take out your movie notes from yesterday. As I check your notes, you may use them to complete the formative. You will have 5 minutes.

Notes – from Tuesday 4. Cyclops 1. Odysseus and his men find a cave with food which is the home of the cyclops (Polyphemos) 2. Polyphemos eats Odysseus’ men 3. Divine Intervention – Polyphemos prays to his father, Poseidon, to avenge him 4. Hubris - After blinding and defeating the cyclops, Odysseus reveals his real name 5. Aeolis 1. Aeolis is the god of wind 2. Odysseus is stranded from Ithaca when his men open the bag of wind 3. Divine Intervention – Aeolis gets revenge on Poseidon by giving a bag of wind to help get Odysseus home 6. Laestrygoinans – skip 7. Circe 1. Odysseus’ men are turned into animals by Circe 2. Circe uses the lotus flower to weaken the men and hold them captive 3. Odysseus realizes he has been on her island for 5 years 4. Divine Intervention – Hermes gives a plant to Odysseus to help him climb the mountain to reach Circe

Notes – for Wednesday 8. The Underworld 1. Tiresias 2. Anticlea (Odysseus’ mother) 9. Sirens – skip 10. Scylla 1. Odysseus and his men 11. Charybdis 1. Odysseus and his men 12. Sun God/Cattle – skip 13. Calypso – 1. Odysseus 2. Calypso 3. Divine Intervention - Hermes

Formative Part 3 of The Odyssey – October, 16, 2014

a. Antinoos b. Poseidon c. Telemachos d. Lancoon

a. He tells him he is fated to die b. He tells him how to get back to Ithaca c. He says that Odysseus will be unable to communicate with the dead d. He says Penelope has remarried

a. She weaves a burial shroud b. She undoes the burial shroud each night c. She hides from Antinoos d. She poisons Antinoos

a. She marries Odysseus b. She holds Odysseus captive c. She shows Odysseus how to get home d. She kills Odysseus’ men

a. She drowns herself b. She sails to find Odysseus c. She uses divine intervention to get Odysseus home d. Antinoos kills her

Notes – for Wednesday 8. The Underworld 1. Tiresias tells Odysseus how to make it through Scylla and Charybdis to get back home 2. Anticlea (Odysseus’ mother) tells Odysseus to get back home because his home is being invaded and Penelope is still waiting 9. Sirens – skip 10. Scylla 1. Odysseus and his men are attacked by Scylla, some of the men die 11. Charybdis 1. Odysseus and his men fall into the whirlpool of Charybdis and everyone dies except Odysseus 12. Sun God/Cattle – skip 13. Calypso – 1. Odysseus is held captive on Calypso’s Island for 2 years 2. Calypso offers to make Odysseus immortal if he stays with her 3. Divine Intervention – Hermes tells Calypso she must let Odysseus go (double standards)

Notes – for Thursday 14. The Phaeacians 1. King Alcinous – 2. Odysseus – 15. Ithaca 1. Odysseus - 2. Telemachos - 3. Penelope - 4. Antinoos - 5. Divine Intervention - Athena

Vocabulary Interpret, inference, infer

Formative Part 4 of The Odyssey – October, 17, 2014

a. Kill the suitors b. Find Odysseus c. Find a suitor for his mother d. Become King of Ithaca

a. She can live with Odysseus forever b. She can become Queen of Ithaca c. She must let Odysseus leave d. She must kill Odysseus

a. Poseidon b. Calypso c. Telemachos d. The Phaeacians

a. as Achilles b. as an old man c. as Telemachos d. as a woman

a. Odysseus is the only one who can string his bow b. It is a good weapon to use to kill Antinoos c. None of the other men can string a bow d. Antinoos is the most skilled at aiming the bow