Foreign economic activity of the enterprise in the system of international economic relations
International economic relationship is as an organic part of World Economy The essence and content of international economic relations system. Foreign Economic Policy
International economic relations are multidimensional system of economic relations between the national economies of different countries, including their respective business entities.
These links are based on a complex combination of competition mechanisms, division of labor, cooperation and partnership at all levels.
They cover all aspects of the countries’ economic life - production, trade, research, investment sphere, finance, human resources, information exchange, communication services, transport services, tourism and others. The main reasons for such connections are: malt distribution of natural, human and monetary - financial resources of the countries; international division of labor; the need for the exchange of scientific and technical developments; cooperation in addressing global challenges, unbearable for one, even the developed countries, and others. With the development of scientific and technological process, they are global and cover all countries in the world.
Every country in varying levels regulates foreign trade activities, thereby ensuring economic security and national interests. Even in the absence of a state monopoly on foreign trade in the highest state authorities by issuing laws and ratification утверждение, одобрение, ратификация of international agreements, the application of tariff and non- tariff, tax carry out their foreign policy.
Thus, foreign economic policy is the deliberate actions of government agencies for determining the mode of foreign economic activity regulation, as well as optimizing the country's participation in the international division of labor
It is based on the synthesis of national economic legal systems in the regulation of international relations, compliance with generally accepted principles and norms of international law and obligations arising from international agreements between countries.