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Introduction A popular method of better understanding literature is to better understand the author. Though learning more about an authors life, it is easier for a reader to learn what influenced and led to the creation of the authors work. While some authors do not leave behind journals or other extremely private writings, they do leave behind letters that give a glimpse into their personal thoughts.
Task The students will read excerpts from the letters and poetry of John Keats, and participate in a blog to share their thoughts on the selected works and the connections between them. One main post of at least 500 words and one reply post of 250 words are required, though more posts are allowed and encouraged.
Process Pick two of following themes to explore. Read the letter and poem provided below, and then go onto the class blog and start posting! You can start by either creating your own post first, free from what your classmates have said, or start off by replying to classmate and then posting your own thoughts. Feel free to post on or both topics, and don’t feel pressured to thoroughly include both poems and letters. If a singular poem or letter really stuck out to you, write exclusively on that!
Links Death: Poem: Letter: Negative Capability Poem: Letter: essay.html?id=237836&page=2 (first excerpt) essay.html?id=237836&page=2 Truth and Beauty Poem: Letter:
1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Good4 - Great Content Main post has less than 250 words, or reply post has less than 125 words Main post has at least 250 words, and reply post has a least 125 words Main post has at least 350 words, and reply post has a least 175 words Main post has at least 500 words, and reply post has a least 250 words Participation Student does not respond to another student’s post Student replies, but reply has little to do with context of parent post Student replies, and reply has tangential relevance to parent post Student replies, and critically responds to parent post Comprehension Grammar and Mechanics
Conclusion I hope you now see the importance of looking into an authors life to further deepen your understanding of certain works. Keep an eye out for any biographical information you come across when researching a book – I can add to or even lead to any epiphanies you may have. But be careful with biographical research, always make sure to distance the implied author from the narrator; it is an important distinction to keep in mind.