Trimble TMR1 Data Radio Operational Overview
TMR1 Main Menu What you see when you first turn on your TMR1. Give your radio a name for easy identification on your network
Network Settings First, create and describe your networks
Network Settings Now it’s time to set up your network Set the IP address and the subnet mask Set the speeds from 10 Mbps up to 100 Mbps 1 2 3 4 This address will allow you to see the radio over the internet, from anywhere. It also allows communication with other serial devices on your network through the built-in terminal server. You can add static routes as needed.
Radio Settings Factory set for your location 1 Initial range set at factory for your location 2 Allows radio to hop between allowed frequencies 3 Allows the radio to choose the speed it wants to transmit at based on signal quality 4
Radio Settings Enter the various settings for your radio network Type of network you are setting up 1 2 This radio is either an Access Point (AP), an End Point (EP) or a Repeating End Point (REP)
Configuration for Serial Communications What the radio is used for in the network
Diagnostics Various tables that help you see and/or test your network Gives you immediate information of all the current and active radios on your network and their individual status.
Diagnostics A Trimble TMR1 network continuously monitors the RF environment as well as important operating parameters for each frequency channel.
Diagnostics You can test the connectivity and link quality between the Access Point radios and the End Points. You can measure the actual link rate of a specific radio. This helps you to determine the appropriate modulation/speed pair.
Diagnostics You can see the number of Ethernet frames that are counted by the radios.
Management of Your Radio Change an existing password Upgrade the operating system and the radio firmware as well as install new configurations. Trimble radios have two boot partitions. This allows you to recover your settings should they become corrupted. You can also change the boot to revert to the previous firmware.
Security Choose the level of security for your network. Generate random keys or keys from pass phrases.