Is Carbon Dioxide a Pollutant?
Obama Administration: Lackluster Environmental Record 2009 Copenhagen Summit (Nations will “take note” of the problem) The American Clean Energy and Security Act died in the U.S. Senate, August, Gulf Coast Oil Spill: BP took control of the response for several weeks
Environmental Protection Agency Will be regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act 2009: Lisa P. Jackson, the former Environmental Protection Agency director, pushed for regulations on smog, mercury, carbon dioxide, mining waste and vehicle emissions that could affect every corner of the economy. In legislative limbo.
What is Carbon Dioxide?
Greenhouse effect
NPR Animation Klc&feature=relmfu Klc&feature=relmfu
Composition of the Earth’s Atmosphere The atmosphere is primarily composed of Nitrogen (N2, 78%) Oxygen (O2, 21%) Argon (Ar, 1%). Other very influential components are also present which include the water (H2O, 0 - 7%), "Ozone (O3, %), and Carbon Dioxide (CO2, %). ( (
So, is Carbon Dioxide a form of Pollution? Michelle Bachman says “No!” sRQ sRQ Competetive Enterprise Institute JNA JNA
What if You Could See Carbon Dioxide?
Simple Science Experiment Carbon Dioxide can be Captured duE&feature=related duE&feature=related Visualizing Carbon Dioxide UStg time: 2:15 UStg
Loaded Dice Normal conditions 2 sides red = Abnormally Hot 2 sides blue =Abnormally Cold 2 sides white =Normal Temperature Increased CO2 will cause another red side.
Google Earth Activity
Discussion Questions The McKibben book chapter addresses an environmental discourse that focuses on the nature of time and space. What is he suggesting here? By using the term "End of Nature,” Bill McKibben is suggesting that climate change represents a unique environmental problem that is different from any other human kind has ever faced. Specifically, he asserts that our new impacts on the weather represent the crossing of a threshold in our relationship with nature for which there is no turning back. As he notes, there is no "undo” button to bring our old atmosphere back. Do you buy into McKibben's essential thesis?
Discussion Questions Given that "The End of Nature" was written in 1988, do you think much has changed since then in how U.S. society approaches environmental problems such as climate change? What, if any, aspects of this book chapter would you consider incorporating into your own curriculum?
Quote from McKibben reading “ Scientists already knew that carbon dioxide, a by-product of fossil fuel combustion, trapped infrared radiation that would otherwise have reflected back out to space” (page 8)
Which greenhouse gases do humans aid in increasing?