Instinctive behaviour -Define instinctive behaviour (Grade C) -Explain that animals inherit certain patterns of behaviour from their parents, known as instinctive behaviour (Grade A) B3.2 lesson 1
Starter Can you explain what each of the following words means? Stimulus, response, receptor, effector, reflex response, voluntary response.
Stimulus- Something you react to, like a sound, a hot object or something you see (plural: stimuli). Response- A reaction, as that of an organism or a mechanism, to a specific stimulus. Receptor- A special cell that detects a stimulus, like light, sound and heat. Effector- Muscles that contract in response to impulses from the nervous system Reflex response- An automatic response to a stimulus. Voluntary response- A response to a stimulus that you have to think about and can control.
A person steps on a pin The pin’s sharp point pricking his skin is the stimulus for his behaviour He does not think about jerking his foot away from the pin His action is a reflex response, which is automatic, it takes a split second and is instinctive
Can you think of another example of a reflex response? How does this type of response help aid survival? Instinctive behaviours are learned from parents and reinforced by natural selection- the individuals who are best at it will survive.
Practical Woodlice choice chambers: Write a method to see which conditions woodlice prefer. Which conditions will you use?
In dry conditions, woodlice lose water and can die They become more active, which increases the chances of them finding a dark, damp place to move to
Herring gull chicks Herring gull chicks peck at their parent’s beak soon after hatching in order to get a meal! How does this help them survive? Animation page 47- record results as you watch the clip.
Compile an ethogram (catalogue of the different behaviours performed by an animal) for an animal of your choice. Samples are on the internet which they can look at. Videos of animals (e.g. BBC website) or live animals can be used. Questions pages (inc higher and extension questions)
Plenary ‘Instinctive behaviour…’ Complete the sentence above in as many ways as you can think of. We will then share ideas as a class.