What happened to Samoa
In 1900 Germany and USA were sailing in the South Pacific Ocean and they found Samoa. It was already inhabited, any way Germany took Western Samoa and USA took Eastern Samoa..
In 1914 the Frist World war begins war
Britain sends NZ troops over to German Samoa. NZ puts their flag in Western Samoa so it’s the first piece of land German has lost in the war.
In NZ’s rule over Western Samoa begins.
In A petition against NZ rule is presented the United Nations. It is signed by 80% of Samoans
In 1929 – it was called Black Saturday because NZ police attempted to arrest a Mau protester and NZ police shot 11 innocent Samoans.
The Mau Movement was a group of Samoans who just want to be independent and have Samoan land back for Samoans and for Samoans to rule themselves
In 1935 – The first Labour Governement in NZ felt sorry the Mau Movement and allowed some Samoan rights to help rule their country
In Samoans were allowed to raise their flag next to the NZ flag.
In 1962 – On the first of January the Samoan flag was lowered for good to mark the independence of Samoa.
Samoa is the first Pacific country to be decolonized. colonize – means not to be governed by another country Colonized – means to be governed and rules by another country and not yourself.
69,543 (2011) American Samoa, Population
183,874 (2011) Samoa’s population
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