Drama Terms
Drama…a play Drama…a play Act…a division of a play Act…a division of a play Scene…a division of an act Scene…a division of an act Stage directions… instructions the playwright gives the actors and crew Stage directions… instructions the playwright gives the actors and crew Dialogue…the conversation an actor has with other actors or him or herself Dialogue…the conversation an actor has with other actors or him or herself Playwright…the author of the play Playwright…the author of the play
Monologue-a long, uninterrupted speech that is spoken by a single actor. In a soliloquy an actor is on stage by him or herself and speaks lines. Monologue-a long, uninterrupted speech that is spoken by a single actor. In a soliloquy an actor is on stage by him or herself and speaks lines. Aside…comment made while other actors are on stage and heard only by the audience Aside…comment made while other actors are on stage and heard only by the audience Types of Drama: Types of Drama: Tragedy- unhappy ending; sometimes the death of the protagonist Tragedy- unhappy ending; sometimes the death of the protagonist Comedy- has a happy ending Comedy- has a happy ending
Types of Drama Comedy – literature with a love story at its core. Comedy – literature with a love story at its core. The basic plot often develops as follows: an old, established society tries to prevent the formation of a new one (the union of a young couple). The basic plot often develops as follows: an old, established society tries to prevent the formation of a new one (the union of a young couple). The young couple succeeds in the end. The young couple succeeds in the end. Human errors or problems may appear humorous Human errors or problems may appear humorous
Tragedy – a serious play or drama typically dealing with the problems of a central character, leading to an unhappy or disastrous ending Tragedy – a serious play or drama typically dealing with the problems of a central character, leading to an unhappy or disastrous ending Tragicomedy – a play or other literary work combining tragic and comic elements Tragicomedy – a play or other literary work combining tragic and comic elements
Realism: Accurate depiction of the everyday life of a place or period. Realism: Accurate depiction of the everyday life of a place or period. Satire: Uses bitter irony to point out shortcomings or injustices in society. Satire: Uses bitter irony to point out shortcomings or injustices in society. Universal Themes: Archetypes (e.g., crone, good king, mentor, nagging wife, wise fool) Universal Themes: Archetypes (e.g., crone, good king, mentor, nagging wife, wise fool) Motifs (e.g., dream vs. reality, hero’s quest, human folly, human suffering, man vs. nature) Motifs (e.g., dream vs. reality, hero’s quest, human folly, human suffering, man vs. nature)
Protagonists are the main or central figures of a drama. Protagonists are the main or central figures of a drama. Antagonists are the onstage characters (or unseen forces) who oppose them. Antagonists are the onstage characters (or unseen forces) who oppose them. Set is the term used for the onstage scenery that suggests the time and place of the action. Set is the term used for the onstage scenery that suggests the time and place of the action. Script is the written form of the play. Script is the written form of the play.
Stage Directions Stage directions telling the actors where to stand or move are the following: Stage directions telling the actors where to stand or move are the following: C DC UCUL CL DL UR CR DR