Announcement Course Exam October 6 th (Thursday) In class: 90 minutes long Examples are posted on the course website
Lecture Objectives: Answer questions related the Project 1 and the Final Project Continue with Photo Voltaic (PV) and hot water systems Discuss HW3 Learn about the impact of HVAC system on energy consumption - overview HVAC systems
Requirement for the project Undergrad students: Team project (2 or 3 members) Grad students: Individual effort me (till next Friday): Final project group members Project title One paragraph ( words) including - Project objective -Methodology -Expected results Any schematic drawing is welcome
HW3 Design of zero energy house Install a PV system on your house from your project 1-a
PV system Silicon crystal base Tin film
Hot Water Solar
HW3 Redefine house in Project 1 to be more realistic. a) Find the optimum orientation and positioning angle for your PV solar collectors. b) Size the PV system that will enable that your house became net zero energy house. c) Add an electric hot water heater and calculate the new PV system size. d) Size a hot water solar collector system for your hot water consumption. e) Calculate the number of days when you need to use electric heater and how much energy is consumed by the backup electric heater.
eQUEST HVAC Models Predefined configuration (no change) Divided according to the cooling and heating sources Details in e quest help file: For example: DX CoilsNo Heating –Packaged Single Zone DX (no heating) Packaged single zone air conditioner with no heating capacity, typically with ductwork. –Split System Single Zone DX (no heating) Central single zone air conditioner with no heating, typically with ductwork. System has indoor fan and cooling coil and remote compressor/condensing unit. –Packaged Terminal AC (no heating) Packaged terminal air conditioning unit with no heating and no ductwork. Unit may be window or through-wall mounted. –Packaged VAV (no heating) DX CoilsFurnace Packaged direct expansion cooling system with no heating capacity. System includes a variable volume, single duct fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with it's own thermostatic control. –Packaged Single Zone DX with Furnace Central packaged single zone air conditioner with combustion furnace, typically with ductwork. –Split System Single Zone DX with Furnace Central single zone air conditioner with combustion furnace, typically with ductwork. System has indoor fan and cooling coil and remote compressor/condensing unit. –Packaged Multizone with Furnace Packaged direct expansion cooling system with combustion furnace. System includes a constant volume fan/distribution system serving multiple zones, each with its own thermostat. Warm and cold air are mixed for each zone to meet thermostat control requirements.