2014/3/25TTC Meeting Beam Operation Experience at Quantum Beam Project in STF Kirk
2014/3/25TTC Meeting No change during “beam” operation in KEK-STF even after many earthquakes!! The answer is… MHI-12 and -13 were very stable in Quantum beam experiment
2014/3/25TTC Meeting We have a few examples for change in Cryomodule test But….
superconducting rf test facility History of Cavity Performance in KEK-STF Vertical Test in CW mode Cryomodule Test in Pulsed mode
5STF Cavity Group Meeting (2013/5/13) Status of RF Conditioning for MHI μsec 1500μsec
6STF Cavity Group Meeting (2013/5/13) Status of RF Conditioning for MHI μsec
7STF Cavity Group Meeting (2013/5/13) Status of RF Conditioning for MHI μsec 1500μsec
8STF Cavity Group Meeting (2013/5/13) Status of RF Conditioning for MHI μsec
Comparison of Radiation Level History MHI-12MHI-13 The radiation level was never changed during the CM test.
2014/3/25TTC Meeting Cavity performance degraded by “Earthquake” during beam operation?
2014/3/25TTC Meeting dateTimeLevelOperation status Detuning direction MHI-12MHI-13 12/Oct/201213:573 Beam Tuning = ON] -- 24/Oct/201216:052 Beam Tuning = ON] -+ 31/Oct/201215:502 Beam Tuning = 30sec. ON ⇒ RF Off (manually)] -+ 7/Dec/201217:184 LLRF study = 60sec. ON ⇒ LV Off (I/L)] -+ Earthquake events at KEK-STF
2014/3/25TTC Meeting Log Trend in 12/Oct/2012 MHI-12MHI-13
2014/3/25TTC Meeting Log Trend in 24/Oct/2012 MHI-12MHI-13
2014/3/25TTC Meeting Log Trend in 31/Oct/2012 MHI-12MHI-13
2014/3/25TTC Meeting Log Trend in 7/Dec/2012 MHI-12MHI-13
2014/3/25TTC Meeting After these earthquakes, the cavity performance was never changed!!
Cavity Performance for STF /3/25TTC Meeting
In future… The high power test in STF-2 will start from /3/25TTC Meeting