Antimatter (e+, Ps, H-bar) physics Laboratory Lea Di Noto Department of Physics –University of Trento INFN
Research group e+ - Ps detectors laser Roberto S. Brusa S. Mariazzi ( assegnista cof. INFN) L. Di Noto (PhD) L. Penasa (tecnico l) M. Bettonte (tecnico nl) e+ - Ps Giancarlo Nebbia (INFN) detectors laser G. Ferrari (CNR)
(antimatter experiment :gravity interferometry spectroscopy) AEgIS (antimatter experiment :gravity interferometry spectroscopy) Goals: Measurement of g on anti-hydrogen Anti-hydrogen spectroscopy Methods: Produce an Hbar beam Moirè deflectometer Motivations: verify the Weak equivalence principle (WEP) Verify the CPT antimatter disappearance
activities of Trento group e+ beam Ps spectroscopy Ps cooling & converter 2 1 3 p 5 T - 4K trap Moirè Deflectometer Positron source Positron accumulator Transfer line 1 T - 100 mK Anti-hydrogen production AD SIDE /31
AEgIS experiment in short Positron-cooled positronium converter 2 ns bunch 108 positronis (1 mm in diameter) Lasers for Ps excitation in Rydberg states Antiprotons 100 mK Anti hydrogen beam Stark acceleration Moirè deflectometer
1. Pulsed positron beam
2. Positronium cooling & converter Ps Positronium converter Positron beam Vacuum Mariazzi S, Salemi A and Brusa R S 2008 Phys. Rev. B 78 085428
Trento TOF Apparatus BEAM Prompt peak 16 ns 2 channeltrons target position 5 NaI scintillators zo
Ps cooling – first result of Ps cooling Mariazzi S, Salemi A and Brusa R S 2008 Phys. Rev. B 78 085428 Mariazzi , Bettotti, Brusa, 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 243401
Permanence time of Ps in nano-channels before escaping into vacuum Ps energy spectra z0 tf tp <tm> = <tp> + <tf> tp = 18 ns
at the intense positron source NEPOMUC at the FRMII reactor with the TOF apparatus at the intense positron source NEPOMUC at the FRMII reactor Tunable nanochannels will allow to study: Cooling and thermalization at temperature < 150 K Cooling and thermalization in presence of decorated surfaces Relations between diffusion and tortuosity It is important to note that the rectangular extension of the Tao-Eldrup model (RTE), considering Ps in equilibrium at the sample temperature of 300 K, would give a lifetime of 77-97 ns for Ps annihilating in channels with 5-8 nm size. The measured mean Ps annihilation lifetime value seems to point out that a large fraction of Ps annihilate hot also in the closed channels. In this case a different Ps temperature from the thermal should be used in the RTE model. If we use as a first approximation the T= 1100±300 K (average temperature of the found thermal and cooled distributions), the RTE gives a reduced lifetime of 51±8 ns in fairly agreement with the measured one.
Anti-hydrogen production 3. Ps spectroscopy 3 Ps spectroscopy p 5 T - 4K trap Moirè Deflectometer Positron source Positron accumulator Transfer line 1 T - 100 mK Anti-hydrogen production AD SIDE /31
sample Detector ports Magnetic field terminator Buncher Valve Our simulation to transport positron bunch from accumulator to the target with duration of 5 ns and a spot of 3 mm diameter !
3 Tilted CF16 Flange 45° Three tilted flange
Planned experiments with Ps chamber FIRST GOAL: Study of production efficiency of Ps in Rydberg state OTHER GOAL: Rydberg state in presence of magnetic field Motional stark effect Ps laser cooling Jump between different levels (microwave) METHOD: Ps production and detection by PbF2 scintillator Excitation up to n=3 Excitation from n=3 to n>15 n=3 continuum n=1 6.05 eV 205 nm high n ~0.75 eV ~1650 nm
Summary Our work is about: Running AEgIS positron bunched beam Ps production in AEgIS Foundamental studies on Ps cooling (TOF at FRMII-Munich) Development of a new apparatus for Ps spectroscopy measurements
Preventivo 2013 Missioni estere 22 k€ + 8 k€ (sub iudice) Missioni interne 3 k€ Missioni estere 22 k€ + 8 k€ (sub iudice) Materiale di consumo 4 k€ per materiale da vuoto Impianti attrezzature 0 Altre immobilizzazioni 22 k€ -8 k€ per 5 switch -12 k€ per gruppo pompaggio (Turbo, scroll, ionica) -2 k€ per valvola