Daphne Koller Overview Conditional Probability Queries Probabilistic Graphical Models Inference
Daphne Koller Inference in a PGM PGM encodes P(X 1,…,X n ) Can be used to answer any query over joint distribution
Daphne Koller Conditional Probability Queries Evidence: E = e Query: a subset of variables Y Task: compute P(Y | E=e) Applications – Medical/fault diagnosis – Pedigree analysis
Daphne Koller NP-Hardness The following are all NP-hard Given a PGM P , a variable X and a value x Val(X), compute P (X=x) – Or even decide if P (X=x) > 0 Let < 0.5. Given a PGM P , a variable X and a value x Val(X), and observation e Val(E), find a number p that has |P (X=x|E=e) – p| <
Daphne Koller Sum-Product C D I SG L J H D
Daphne Koller Sum-Product BD C A
Daphne Koller Evidence: Reduced Factors BD C A
Daphne Koller Evidence: Reduced Factors C D I SG L J H D P(J,I=i, H=h) =
Daphne Koller Sum-Product Computeand renormalize
Daphne Koller Algorithms: Conditional Probability Push summations into factor product – Variable elimination Message passing over a graph – Belief propagation – Variational approximations Random sampling instantiations – Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) – Importance sampling
Daphne Koller Summary Conditional probability queries of subset of variables given evidence on others Summing over factor product Evidence simply reduces the factors Many exact and approximate algorithms
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