Printing: Your printer might not print the same way our printers do, so make sure to try a couple of test prints. If things aren’t aligning quite right, experiment with the Scale to Fit Paper setting. It’s located in the Print dialog – just click Full Page Slides to get to it. And did you notice we made fold marks for you? They are really light, but if you don’t like them showing on your brochure, click View, Slide Master, and delete them before you print. Customizing the Content: If you need more placeholders for titles, subtitles or body text, just make a copy of what you need and drag it into place. PowerPoint’s Smart Guides will help you align it with everything else. Poverty in El Paso Poverty is an overlooked issue that not only affects the entire economy, but can harm its victims emotionally, and academically. It is defined as not having enough income to sustain one’s self. Poverty gives people the inability to fund an appropriate education for careers, thus worsening the economy. References: margie’s travel 4567 Main Street Raleigh, NC Berns, D. A., & Drake, B. J. (1999). Combining child welfare and welfare reform at a local level. Policy Practice of Public Human Services, vol. 57 (issue 1), p.26 retrieved from: /detail?sid=478f5610-f29b-4a ce8bfab3fdda%40sessionmgr4005&vid=11&hid =4214&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZz Y29wZT1zaXRl#db=a9h&AN= /detail?sid=478f5610-f29b-4a ce8bfab3fdda%40sessionmgr4005&vid=11&hid =4214&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZz Y29wZT1zaXRl#db=a9h&AN= Bishaw, A. (2012). Poverty: American Community Survey Briefs, retrieved from: pdf pdf Carroll, C. (2014). 50 years later, ‘war on poverty’ rages on in El Paso. Retrieved from: war-on-poverty-rages-on-in-el-paso/ war-on-poverty-rages-on-in-el-paso/ Leiner, M., Theresa Villanos, M., Puertas, H., Peinado, J., Ávila, C., & Dwivedi, A. (2015). The emotional and behavioral problems of children exposed to poverty and/or collective violence in communities at the Mexico-United States border: a comparative study. Salud Mental, vol. 38 (issue 2), p retrieved from: wer/pdfviewer?sid=478f5610-f29b-4a ce8bfab3fdda%40sessionmgr4005&vid=25&hi d=4214http://0- wer/pdfviewer?sid=478f5610-f29b-4a ce8bfab3fdda%40sessionmgr4005&vid=25&hi d=4214 “Poverty is the worst form of violence.” -Mahatma Ghandi Poverty in Education in El Paso [Untitled photograph of money in hands] Retrieved from counting-money-in-hand jpg By: Katrina Villalobos [Untitled photograph of student] Retrieved from
Printing: Your printer might not print the same way our printers do, so make sure to try a couple of test prints. If things aren’t aligning quite right, experiment with the Scale to Fit Paper setting. It’s located in the Print dialog – just click Full Page Slides to get to it. And did you notice we made fold marks for you? They are really light, but if you don’t like them showing on your brochure, click View, Slide Master, and delete them before you print. Customizing the Content: If you need more placeholders for titles, subtitles or body text, just make a copy of what you need and drag it into place. PowerPoint’s Smart Guides will help you align it with everything else. Contact Info: TANF (The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families): Support service for Texas families. Financial Aid: Government aid to help you pay for school. Scholarships: There are scholarships that are specifically targeted to low-income individuals. Reach help 76.4% of people living in El Paso graduate from high school… 22.7% go to college and earn a bachelor’s degree or higher Thousands of people suffer from poverty and are unable to fund their career-setting education. In result, they work one or more low-paying jobs and receive government aid to sustain their family and children. Although they are sustaining themselves, these affected individuals are not helping the economy. Some lose hope, but there are ways out of this burdening struggle.. “… the children of the poor must be thus educated at common expense.” -Thomas Jefferson Depression Poor health and relationships No education Worsening economy due to low employment rates What poverty causes.. [Untitled photograph of person] Retrieved from [Untitled photograph of college debt] Retrieved from [Untitled photograph of helping hands] Retrieved from 62aa_b.jpg