ITA The biggest game in town Created by S WalkerdenImages and music from Microsoft Clipart.


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Presentation transcript:

ITA The biggest game in town Created by S WalkerdenImages and music from Microsoft Clipart

ITA A Challenge in five levels ITA is a secret agent who has gone over to the dark side. Your mission is to recruit ITA to work for you Under no circumstances whatsoever are you to harm or threaten ITA in any way

ITA A Challenge in five levels ChallengePoints U U3O212.5 U4O115 U4O210 ARMAGEDDON50

ITA A Challenge in five levels: U3O1 Create a prototype web site for an online community Analyse a problem Design a solution Create the solution Explain network requirements of solution Explain how solution meets needs

ITA A Challenge in five levels: U3O2 Database Analyse problem Design database Project management plan Prepare plan Monitor progress Evaluate solution

ITA A Challenge in five levels: U4O1 Create a spreadsheet Apply the Problem Solving Methodology Analyse the nature of the problem Design the solution and output Apply of a range of processes, procedures and techniques to solve a problem Use appropriate file management techniques Write on-screen user documentation Word document on problem solving strategy

ITA A Challenge in five levels: U4O2 Test One hour You will be given a description of an organisation Evaluate effectiveness of strategies to Meet legal requirements manage storage communicate dispose of data Recommend improvements

ITA A Challenge in five levels: Quest of Quests You will have two hours in which to convince ITA to join your side You will be asked to present the evidence that you have gained in written form 20 questions to be answered in code (A, B, C, D) Further questions to be answered in language of ITA

ITA A Challenge in five levels: Quest of Quests Example of questions requiring coded response Which type of website would best suit a group of people interested in reading about the daily progress of a traveller? A. wiki B. blog C. forum D. chat room

ITA A Challenge in five levels: Quest of Quests Example of question using language of ITA A company that sells CDs and music online collects and stores data about its customers in a database. The order form requires a mailing address, delivery address and address. a) Explain why the company would collect data relating to customers’ orders/purchases. b) Recommend two techniques which could be used to protect the rights of the customers whose data is being collected and stored

ITA A Challenge in five levels: Weapons and Ammunition File management · Access network folders Create folders Copy, move and delete files

ITA A Challenge in five levels: Weapons and Ammunition Word processing Choose appropriate font style and size Create headers and footers Format graphics appropriately

ITA A Challenge in five levels: Weapons and Ammunition Web design and development Create storyboards to plan a web page Create and name a new web Create dynamic template Add additional pages to existing web Position text and graphics Format graphics appropriately Create hyperlinks

ITA A Challenge in five levels: Weapons and Ammunition Databases Create a new named database Create a table with specific field types (e.g. text, number, yes/no) Create validation rules Create queries to sort, search and calculate Create reports

ITA A Challenge in five levels: Weapons and Ammunition Spreadsheets Setup workbook with multiple sheets Format: font, column width, headers and footers Conditional format Develop formulae Produce charts If statements Lookup tables

ITA A Challenge in five levels: Strategies Assign priorities Walk the walk, talk the talk Read Textbook Revision guide Newspapers Computer Age Green Guide Computer magazines

ITA A Challenge in five levels: Strategies Bring a memory stick or two to every class This subject is the most important subject that you will study this year. It must be your highest priority!!