Problem Area 7 Gaining Employment
Lesson 4 Finding a Job
Next Generation Science/Common Core Standards Addressed! WHST Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. (HS-PS1-3)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resource Standards Addressed! CRP Model personal responsibility in the workplace and community. Sample Measurement: The following sample measurement strands are provided to guide the development of measurable activities (at different levels of proficiency) to assess students’ attainment of knowledge and skills related to the above performance indicator. The topics represented by each strand are not all-encompassing. CRP Model personal responsibility in the workplace and community. Sample Measurement: The following sample measurement strands are provided to guide the development of measurable activities (at different levels of proficiency) to assess students’ attainment of knowledge and skills related to the above performance indicator. The topics represented by each strand are not all-encompassing.
Work Describe information sources for job opportunities. Develop a system to evaluate job openings.
Terms Career interest assessment Direct calling Job advancement Job description Job security
More terms Placement service Private employment agency Public employment agency
Interest Approach Identify an adult with whom you are acquainted. Indicate the type of job this person holds. List possible methods of how this person found his or her job.
Sources of information for job opportunities? Placement services help people find jobs. They are typically associated with high schools, post-secondary schools, and colleges and universities.
Placement services These services are usually offered at no charge to students completing a program of study at the school.
Placement services include: Career interest assessments are tests that help identify the types of careers that would match well with a student’s interest. Instruction and training in how to write a résumé and how to fill out applications.
Placement services include: Interview training involves instruction in how to act in an interview situation.
Sources of information for job opportunities? Employment Agencies – two types: Public employment agencies are operated by local and state governments. Private employment agencies provide many of the same services as public agencies, except they charge a fee.
Sources of information for job opportunities? Media include newspapers, magazines, radio, and television. The Internet Friends and family Direct calling Agriculture Education Teacher
How can a job opening be evaluated? Evaluating whether a potential job is right for a candidate involves researching certain topics.
Research Topics Job description Job security Training opportunities Job advancement
Review/Summary What are the sources of information for job opportunities? How can a job opening be evaluated?
The End!