ELI Educational Leadership Initiative Learning and Leading Together for a Brighter Future
School District and ELI in Partnership Both will: Aim for World Class Student Achievement. View Student Achievement as Multi-faceted. Identify Benchmarks for High Performance Learning. Understand the Value and Impact of Shared Leadership. Seek Educational Equity and Quality for the Region’s Children. Build Capacity through Partnership & Collaboration.
What the Educational Leadership Initiative (a.k.a. ELI) is…. 1. A comprehensive, integrated professional development initiative designed to support a school culture that is clearly focused on student learning and built upon a foundation of shared leadership. 2. A way of thinking and working characterized by… Collaborative leadership teams comprised of teachers, principals, staff, and the superintendent Decisions informed by data Intense focus on instruction AND Robust dialogue and planning centered on instructional improvement
ELI Vision ELI’s vision is to advance student achievement in the public schools of western Pennsylvania to a recognized and documented standard of excellence. ELI schools will be known for a culture that supports: quality leadership and shared vision best practice instruction and high performance learning operational systems focused on teaching and learning a high level of internal commitment, expert external support, and the endurance required to sustain results
ELI Beliefs The ELI vision is underscored by these core beliefs: Effective leadership is essential to student achievement. Major organizational changes take patience and time to accomplish. Consistent application of best teaching and learning practices is the most important factor in student achievement. A tight focus, consistent follow-through and thoughtful evaluation are essential to perpetual improvements in student achievement. Accurate information under girds district and school decision-making. Respectful relationships, defined autonomy and empowerment, collaboration and learning for all are hallmarks of a healthy school and district culture.
ELI The Educational Leadership Initiative The results ELI seeks include: 1. A focus on leadership and the centrality of student achievement. 2. School cultures dedicated to rigorous instructional practices that continuously improve achievement for each student. 3. Creation of credible multi-level learning communities; 4. Capacity building and the establishment of regional partnerships in support of teaching and learning.
Uniqueness of ELI ELI is process, not a program: It features: Access to experts and a network of partners Colleague(s) in Residence (CIRs) Team-based Coaching Systems focused on instruction and learning Shared leadership Professional learning Collaboration and capacity-building across the Region
The Time Obligation 1. Required: 2 day orientation in August. 1 day mid-year professional development. 2 day end of year re-cap and re-focus. 1 monthly district Leadership Team meeting. 2. Other: Periodic Principal professional development Periodic Teacher Leader professional development Periodic Superintendent professional development
Organizing the Leadership Team Size should be appropriate and manageable The team should be vertically constructed -- Superintendent, Principals, District Staff, and Teachers Teacher Leader Consideration: Master Teachers Peer and Organizational Leaders Representative and Respected Courageous Available and Open to the Change Process The best of the best
The Role of the Teacher Leader 1. Member of the District Leadership Team Key Idea: Defined Autonomy/Freedom within Structure 2. Equal Member of District Leadership Team May: Chair the meeting Set the agenda Make proposals Communicate to peers and others Assume situational leadership Be the expert. 3. Member of the Building Leadership May: Assume situational leadership responsibilities Sit on or co-chair building level leadership team Make proposals Other as appropriate.
What districts can expect... AssessmentCULTURELEADERSHIPINSTRUCTIONFOCUSSYSTEMS Training Healthy school culture Healthy school culture Effective, shared school leadership Effective, shared school leadership Rigorous and relevant instruction Rigorous and relevant instruction Clearly communicated focus Clearly communicated focus Systems to support and sustain successful schools Systems to support and sustain successful schools Implementation Support On the ground coaching and mentoring Assistance in narrowing the focus for student achievement developing a comprehensive plan for professional development for superintendents, principals and teacher leaders collecting and using data for improving student learning and program implementation brokering other expert resources to meet identified district needs/priorities Networking and Capacity-building Opportunities to work and learn with role alike groups and other districts
What ELI expects from districts… 1. Signed agreement to: Attend all ELI sessions Collaborate with evaluator to collect data Support ELI effort with time and some financial resources Commitment for at least one year Convene regular meetings with CIR(s) Complete assignments between meetings 2. Collaborate with ELI districts to create capacity and networks 3. Underwrite a portion of ELI through the annual fee 4. Commitment of the School Board to ELI and its goals
The Commitment