Harvard supports edX’s efforts in the following areas: As a non-profit platform and services provider that is a vehicle for member institutions to offer online learning experiences and to gather associated data for member institutions’ research and outreach purposes As the developer of an open source platform As an aggregator of high quality learning experiences from the best institutions around the world As a facilitator of connections and collaboration between members of the edX consortium As an important channel for member institutions to earn revenue through licensing, ID verification and (in the future) subscriptions Through the above, as a leading participant in global conversations about online learning HarvardX-edX Principles, V4 - Annotated September 23, 2014
Harvard principles vis-à-vis edX 1.Harvard will partner with edX where our goals, priorities and timelines align, pursuing additional strategies and partnerships where appropriate. 2.Harvard oversees HarvardX learning experiences, the data generated by those learning experiences, and of any related content or catalog, outreach, promotional or research materials. 3.Harvard considers enrollees in HarvardX learning experiences to be members of the extended Harvard community with whom we have direct, ongoing relationships. 4.Harvard supports the development of effective no-cost and fee-based mechanisms for sharing member institutions’ online learning experiences and related content with individual learners (b2c) and institutional partners (b2b). 5.Harvard prioritizes platform and services approaches that enable member institutions’ ongoing experimentation and innovation in online learning. HarvardX-edX Principles, V4 - Annotated September 23, 2014
Harvard principles vis-à-vis edX 1.Harvard will partner with edX where our goals, priorities and timelines align, pursuing additional strategies and partnerships where appropriate. (assumes that this is our starting point for all Harvard discussion of strategy and the appropriate implementation of strategy) Possible additional strategies and partnerships we may pursue outside of edX Additional platform(s) or tools that meet pedagogical needs of HarvardX faculty and programmatic needs of schools, aligned with overall Harvard platform strategy developed by TLT Executive and professional education versions of HarvardX courses or with “HarvardX inside” on other platforms Opportunities to repackage and monetize HarvardX content (such as electronic book versions that could also be made free to students in residential courses) Other opportunities with revenue and pedagogical benefits HarvardX-edX Principles, V4 - Annotated September 23, 2014
Harvard principles vis-à-vis edX 2.Harvard oversees HarvardX learning experiences, the data generated by those learning experiences, and of any related content or catalog, outreach, promotional or research materials. (assumes edX does not have or exert editorial oversight on HarvardX learning experiences) Possible additional strategies and partnerships we may pursue outside of edX Ability to link to HarvardX learning experiences and specific content hosted on edX without login (currently possible only on openedX via Stanford tool) Review requests for access to HarvardX data by outside researchers (edX currently is the recipient of some such requests) Ability to take content included in HarvardX learning experiences hosted on edX and reuse in other formats and/or via other platform or technology mechanisms. Ability to provide free or fee-based access to HarvardX content and learning experiences via non-edX channels. HarvardX-edX Principles, V4 - Annotated September 23, 2014
Harvard principles vis-à-vis edX 3.Harvard considers enrollees in HarvardX learning experiences to be members of the extended Harvard community with whom we have direct, ongoing relationships. (assumes Harvard has non-exclusive, ongoing access to participant information) Possible additional strategies and partnerships we may pursue outside of edX Enables direct mail experiments (e.g. the one proposed for late Fall 2014) to inform Harvard and potentially edX consortium strategy in this type of fundraising. Use of participant lists for fundraising and programmatic outreach (assumes we would develop policies and norms to ensure effective coordination within Harvard and compliance with relevant regulations, such as CAN-SPAM.) Enables an expansive view of HarvardX faculty communications with enrollees in HarvardX learning experiences, whether on edX or through other platforms (as before, we could develop internal standards and practices to avoid overwhelming the participants with from Harvard). HarvardX-edX Principles, V4 - Annotated September 23, 2014
Harvard principles vis-à-vis edX 4.Harvard supports the development of effective no-cost and fee-based mechanisms for sharing member institutions’ online learning experiences and related content with individual learners (b2c) and institutional partners (b2b). (assumes that Harvard has strategic interests in all aspects of the above and assesses edX fit for each case) Possible additional strategies and partnerships we may pursue outside of edX Offering some subset of HarvardX open online learning experiences on other platforms, whether those are more suited to the desired pedagogical innovation, whether there is a potential connection to other related offerings (e.g. HarvardX MOOC as lead in to executive ed offerings), or where the business relationship is more advantageous via another platform. Offering value-add and fee-based options for individuals and groups on other Harvard platforms. HarvardX-edX Principles, V4 - Annotated September 23, 2014
Harvard principles vis-à-vis edX 5.Harvard prioritizes platform and services approaches that enable member institutions’ ongoing experimentation and innovation in online learning (assumes that the edX platform roadmap continues to prioritize experimentation and innovation, not just standardized, templated approaches to online learning) Possible additional strategies and partnerships we may pursue outside of edX Partnering with other internal or external software development partners to meet pedagogical needs deemed essential for HarvardX learning experiences. Offering more innovative HarvardX learning experiences on other platforms (rather than via edX) where those platforms are better suited to enable the experiments or innovations envisioned. HarvardX-edX Principles, V4 - Annotated September 23, 2014