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Are you a fan of anything? Are you a fan of anybody? What qualities do you look for in someone you follow? Are you a fan of anything? Talent? Popularity? Outlook on life? Wisdom/ knowledge? Inspirational? Can enrich your life? Looks? Personality?
Jesus’ Disciples To define apostle and disciple What qualities do you think the people saw in Jesus that made them want to follow Him? To define apostle and disciple To describe the qualities needed for being a disciple and an apostle To explain why Jesus chose fishermen and tax collectors **Why might you follow Him NOW ? (when he is not around physically?)
Jesus’ disciples The followers Jesus picked were called “disciples”. He had many disciples – over 70. “Disciple” is latin for “ listen”. Jesus wanted his followers to listen to his teaching, so that one day, they would understand enough to go out themselves and live and preach as He did. What did Jesus want his disciples to do ? Why was this important ? You are a disciple when you listen in Church. Why is this important ?
Find: Mark 1:16-20: ‘Jesus Calls Four Fishermen’ QUALITIES of a DISCIPLE educated and clever priests ? holy? brave ? loved him the most ? gentle and kind? capable of giving up a lot for his sake ? honest ? wanting fame ? Simple people open to new knowledge? Hoped for a more meaningful life? Find: Mark 1:16-20: ‘Jesus Calls Four Fishermen’ Follow the passage as we listen to it being read. Put the Bible reference and passage title in your books. Now answer the following questions using full sentence answers. Who did Jesus call as his disciples? What did Jesus say when he called them? What did they do when he called? Why do you think they reacted like this? What were the most important Jesus saw in them (see pink box)? **Jesus chose fishermen and tax collectors instead of educated priests as disciples. Why ?
The 12 - Apostles Watch the video. Jesus’ chose 12 out of all his 70 disciples (=“to listen”) to be his core group: to follow Him everywhere and share his life. He also sent them out to preach, giving them his power : to heal sickness and forgive sins. These are called the “Apostles”. Apostle means “he who is sent out”. Watch the video. What instructions did Jesus give his Apostles about what they should do? What does “Apostle” mean ? Explain the difference between a disciple an apostle **Why do you think Jesus told them “not to take any money or backpack” ?
If God has called you to do his work, (given you a vocation) he will look after you. You will be given everything you need to do it. How might this apply to you now ?