10 NATIONAL VESSELS AND PORT WASTE MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE: To establish efficient vessel and port waste handling in ports and terminals on the Mekong River. PROJECT TYPE AND DURATION: National project 2 years 1
10 NATIONAL VESSELS AND PORT WASTE MANAGEMENT JUSTIFICATION: No waste handling system available for ships waste in ports and terminals Little awareness among crew and port staff regarding the impact of increasing dumping of waste into the river No incentives available for sustainable ship/port waste handling Significant environmental impact for people living at the river. 2
10 NATIONAL VESSELS AND PORT WASTE MANAGEMENT OUTPUTS: Relevant national legislation reviewed, updated and developed regarding waste management in ports and from vessels in order to comply with national as well as international requirements. Waste Management Guidelines for all ports, terminals and vessels prepared and applied (contractual framework for Private Waste Operators will also be included). Technical study tour and training of relevant staff from inland waterway ports and authorities arranged and carried out, and best practice and international experience on vessel and port waste management compiled and disseminated. Individual Port Waste Management Manuals developed for all inland waterway ports and terminals, and two pilot projects carried out in the identified inland waterway ports and/or terminals regarding full implementation. 3
10 NATIONAL VESSELS AND PORT WASTE MANAGEMENT KEY ACTIVITIES Legal review and legislative amendments Preparation of Thai Waste Management Guidelines Study tour to Europe Assistance to ports and terminals to prepare waste management manuals Implementation plans Training and awareness activities 4
10 NATIONAL VESSELS AND PORT WASTE MANAGEMENT BUDGET: Per country: USD Total all four countries: USD IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES: Thailand:Marine Department, MOT Lao PDR:Department of Waterways, MPWT Cambodia:Ministry of Public Works and Transport Viet Nam:The Viet Nam Inland Waterway Administration, MOT 5