Jim Crow & Segregation How were groups legally discriminated against?
Legal Discrimination Reconstruction ends in 1877 Although 15 th Amendment gives all citizens the right to vote, there are certain voting restrictions in the south: 1)Literacy tests 2)Poll Tax Jim Crow Laws State laws that allowed for segregated public & private facilities Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Homer Plessy (1/8 th black) tries to challenge Jim Crow Laws while riding on segregated trains Sup. Court rules “separate but equal” is legal
Racial Etiquette Social customs regulate relationships between whites & blacks Want blacks to have “step & fetch” mentality African Americans who didn’t “follow custom” could face violence & death (lynching) : 1,400 blacks are killed for not following “etiquette” Discrimination outside the South -North: Blacks forced into segregated neighborhoods, labor unions disallow black membership, blacks fired before whites -West: Native Americans forced to live on reservations -West: Many Mexicans forced into debt peonage. Forced to work until your debt is paid off -West: Many Chinese segregated in school (esp. California)
Answer in complete sentences on separate sheet of paper 1. State the issue before the Supreme Court. 2. What was the decision of the court? What was the rationale (reasoning) behind it? 3. What was the effect of the decision? 4. What do you think Judge Harlan meant when he said that Americans would find it difficult to boast about being the freest people on earth? Do you think this is still true today?