Reducing human effort of e-form data is re-entered Over 80%
Objectives Discuss the key findings from the National Digital Report Explore the options of integration Customer Experience
NDL Research
The Themes 1.CRM 2.Self Service 3.Data Sharing 4.Shared Service 5.Data Publication 6.The Cloud
Cost of CRM Re-keying 1.5 million hours Spent on re-keying CRM data £37,000, hours per authority
Alternative way to capture data The e-form Internal – Customer Service External – Website
Cost of e-form re-keying 580,000 hours Spent on re-keying e-form data £14,000,000 1,425 hours per authority
What is integration?
What are our integration options? 1. Re-key: Inefficient Error prone Poor service 3. Application Programming Interface: Not available Incomplete Complex Expensive 2. Direct database read and write : Might be OK to read No business rules Invalidate support
Or.. 4. Integrate through the user interface Take the process a human would do using a screen, keyboard and mouse Automate it: using software Scale it: using modern technology
Bridging the Transformation Gap awi SX Application Integration
Forest of Dean: The Challenge Introduced Payments for Garden Waste collection 16,000 annual transactions Manual entry 5 minutes per payment Integrate Northgate CRM with Capita Paye.net
The Solution Internal/External Web form awi SX automatically enters these details into the payment system Payment successful, systems updated, transaction complete
The Results £30,000 saved in staffing costs Process time 5 minutes to approximately 30 seconds Further integration projects: Planning Environmental Services
What NDL brings to the Public Sector Flexibility Integrates to all Scalability Unrestricted Affordability Reduces cost of development & ownership, organisation wide licence Proven Over 200 Public Sector organisations have licensed our toolkits
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