NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. ENERGY RESOURCES RESEARCH PROJECT
Research Tools Library Login Click the following link: Click the “Students Log In Here” Flashing sign Patron ID Number: Student ID # Pin: Year of Birth (Ex. 2003) You need to use these three databases: Britannica Middle School Secondary Schools explora Gale (any of them) You need to also use: Your Textbook (In your brown textbook folder) FollettShelf eBooks
How to get to your energy source project notes & guidelines Go to google chrome Sign into your school account Password: Locker combo, first initial, period. Go to (top right corner) Click on this Google Drive
How to get to your energy source project notes & guidelines Go to shared with me (left hand side)
How to get to your energy source project notes & guidelines Click on the folder with your resource name Inside this folder id your project notes page and the guidelines page Everyone in your group can edit this document and I can see it Also a slideshow that you can use as your presentation if that is how you want to present Everyone in your group can edit this document and I can see it Put all your citations on the Goggle Doc- this is how I will grade your sources
How much time do we have for this project Friday November 20 th Whole class period with Chrome Books to finish the general information section Monday November 30 th Whole class with Chrome Books to finish advantages and disadvantages page as well as have all resources sited on the bibliography Tuesday December 1 st Whole class with computes of some sort to make presentation Wednesday December 2 nd All groups will present their information and take notes for the quiz Friday
Frequently Asked Questions Do we have to work on this over break? No, you should have plenty of class time. If you want to you are more than welcome. Can we use the internet? No, you may only use the databases, eBook and textbook. Can we add a video to our PowerPoint? Yes you may as long as your presentation is no longer than 5 minutes Do we need to cite the pictures we use? Yes, if you are in a database they should be cited for you