Please take out a piece of paper and complete the following: 1. Write down the vocabulary word and definition. 2. Choose ONE of these options and complete it. Draw a picture that illustrates/explains the vocabulary word. Rewrite the definition in your own words. Write a sentence that includes the term and the information from the definition. Psychosis Severe mental disorder involving major problems with emotional responses, disorganized thought processes and distorted perceptions of the world. Psych DMA
DMA Anxiety Disorders Create phobia Fear poem Homework: Psych v Hollywood paper – due June 5 th (in class) OR June 6 th (via ). Today’s Agenda
Don’t forget!!
GephyrophobiaGephyrophobia – fear of bridgesbridges GenophobiaGenophobia– fear of sexual intercourse. GerascophobiaGerascophobia – fear of growing old or aging. GlossophobiaGlossophobia – fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak. HemophobiaHemophobia– fear of blood.blood LigyrophobiaLigyrophobia – fear of loud noises. LipophobiaLipophobia – fear/avoidance of fats in food. AblutophobiaAblutophobia – fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning. Altophobia – fear of heights. AlgophobiaAlgophobia – fear of pain. AgyrophobiaAgyrophobia – fear of crossing roads. AquaphobiaAquaphobia – fear of water. AstraphobiaAstraphobia– fear of thunder, lightning and storm.thunderlightning AviophobiaAviophobia – fear of flying. BacillophobiaBacillophobia – fear of germs. CatoptrophobiaCatoptrophobia - fear of mirrors or of one's own reflection. ClaustrophobiaClaustrophobia – fear of confined spaces. CoulrophobiaCoulrophobia – fear of clownsclowns EmetophobiaEmetophobia – fear of vomiting. Phobias…
ParaskavedekatriaphobiaParaskavedekatriaphobia, Paraskevidekatriaphobia, Friggatriskaidekaphobia – fear of Friday the 13th.Friday the 13th PanphobiaPanphobia – fear of everything or constantly afraid without knowing what is causing it. PhasmophobiaPhasmophobia - fear of ghosts, spectres or phantasms. PhonophobiaPhonophobia – fear of loud sounds. MegalophobiaMegalophobia - fear of large/oversized objects. MysophobiaMysophobia – fear of germs, contamination or dirt. NecrophobiaNecrophobia – fear of death, the dead. NomophobiaNomophobia – fear of being out of mobile phone contact. NosophobiaNosophobia – fear of contracting a disease. NosocomephobiaNosocomephobia - fear of hospitals. NyctophobiaNyctophobia, Achluophobia, Lygophobia, Scotophobia – fear of darkness. OsmophobiaOsmophobia, Olfactophobia – fear of smells. Phobias….
HerpetophobiaHerpetophobia - fear/dislike of reptiles.reptiles IchthyophobiaIchthyophobia – fear/dislike of MusophobiaMusophobia – fear/dislike of mice and/or rats.mice rats OphidiophobiaOphidiophobia – fear/dislike of snakes.snakes OrnithophobiaOrnithophobia – fear/dislike of birds.birds ScoleciphobiaScoleciphobia – fear of worms.worms SelachophobiaSelachophobia - fear/dislike of sharks.sharks AilurophobiaAilurophobia – fear/dislike of cats.cats ApiphobiaApiphobia – fear/dislike of bees (also known as Melissophobia).beesMelissophobia ArachnophobiaArachnophobia – fear/dislike of spiders.spiders ChiroptophobiaChiroptophobia – fear/dislike of bats.bats CynophobiaCynophobia – fear/dislike of dogs.dogs EntomophobiaEntomophobia – fear/dislike of insects.insects Phobias….
TetraphobiaTetraphobia – fear of the number 4.4 TokophobiaTokophobia – fear of childbirth. TomophobiaTomophobia – fear or anxiety of surgeries/surgical operations. TraumatophobiaTraumatophobia – a synonym for injury phobia, a fear of having an injuryinjury phobia TriskaidekaphobiaTriskaidekaphobia, Terdekaphobia – fear of the number TrypanophobiaTrypanophobia, Belonephobia, Enetophobia – fear of needles or injections. Workplace phobiaWorkplace phobia – fear of the work place. XenophobiaXenophobia – fear of strangers, foreigners, or aliens. PyrophobiaPyrophobia – fear of fire. RadiophobiaRadiophobia – fear of radioactivity or X- rays.radioactivityX- rays SociophobiaSociophobia – fear of people or social situations ScopophobiaScopophobia – fear of being looked at or stared at. SomniphobiaSomniphobia – fear of sleep. SpectrophobiaSpectrophobia – fear of mirrors and one's own reflections. TaphophobiaTaphophobia – fear of the grave, or fear of being placed in a grave while still alive.grave TechnophobiaTechnophobia – fear of technology (see also Luddite).technology Luddite Telephone phobiaTelephone phobia, fear or reluctance of making or taking phone calls Phobias….
1. Ponder the phobias There are 3 sets of phobia lists around the room – read them and discuss them. 2. On a piece of paper - create your own, new phobia. Must have a name & a description of what it is. 3. Read Carver’s Fear poem (copies on front table) 4. On the same paper - create your own personal fear poem. Write it in the style of Carver’s poem You must have at least 20 fears You will be reading your poem & phobia to others at 12:55 Phobias
1.Organize yourselves into groups of 4-6 people 2.One-at-a-time, read your phobias (and descriptions) to each other. 3.Vote on who has the “best” phobia. 4.One-at-a-time, read your fear poems to each other 5.After everyone has read…. Compare the poems – what fears do you all have in common? Put the copies back on the front table & turn in your work Sharing in Groups…