IPCC WG II + III Requirements for AR5 Data Management GO-ESSP Meeting, Paris, 11.-13.06.07 Michael Lautenschlager, Hans Luthardt World Data Center Climate.


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Presentation transcript:

IPCC WG II + III Requirements for AR5 Data Management GO-ESSP Meeting, Paris, Michael Lautenschlager, Hans Luthardt World Data Center Climate Model and Data / Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 2 Content Data Management in AR4 Requirements for AR5 Possible Contribution of WDC Climate

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 3 Data management in AR4 Data management shared between WG I data archive at PCMDI  CMOR as NetCDF file archive interface  Data dissemination by Earth System Grid (ESG) IPCC Data Distribution Centre (DDC) at WDC Climate (WDCC)  In operation since the IPCC SAR  Database system of WDCC with searchable catalogue (based on CERA metadata model) and data storage in DB tables as time series of individual variables Both archives provide web-based data access WG II + III list of variables matches WG I archive for monthly means but not for daily data and climate indices

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 4 PCMDI AR4 data catalogue

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 5 PCMDI AR4 data access

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 6 IPCC DDC AR4 data list

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 7 IPCC DDC AR4 data catalogue summary

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 8 IPCC DDC AR4 data access Full CERA metadata

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 9 CERA-2 Data Model CERA Data Model of WDCC Entry Reference Status Distribution Contact Coverage Parameter Spatial Reference Local Adm. Data Access Data Org

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 10 WDCC data storage and access granularity Model variables Model Run Time 2 D: small BLOBS (180 KB) 3 D: large BLOBS (3 MB) Raw data file: direct model output (1.3 – 16.2 GB) Each columm is one BLOB Table in CERA-DB Raw data file inDKRZ Archive

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 11 WG II + III Data and Information Requirements DDC user requests for SAR, TAR and AR4: Reduced data size  Regional subsets  Temporal subsets ‘simple’ data formats (e.g. ASCII, EXCEL) Data dissemination on media (CD, DVD, hard disc) Data visualization Advice on data applicability and data usage Availability of data processing tools

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 12 WG II + III Data and Information Requirements Data usage in WG II+III environment: Application of model data for solving questions on mitigation of and adaptation to climate changes and for vulnerability studies Applications fields of adaptation: tourism, agriculture, forestry, transportation, insurance, architecture, alternative energies….. Climate model data are used as information in addition to observations. Interdisciplinary data access where we cannot assume extensive experience about model data production, data structures and data formats Forcing data for regional / local models and for process models

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 13 WG II + III Data and Information Requirements Requirements for model data: Data products are expected and not model raw data Complete daily / sub-daily time series of individual variables, climate indices, climate extremes Requirements for metadata (browse + use): Searchable data repository including information to decide on the usefulness of the data entity (e.g. scenario, model, variable, etc.) Complete information to allow for data processing and use the model data (e.g. grid, variable, unit, time) Requirements for services: Instructions how to use the data Data processing options for aggregation and extraction in time and space and for visualization Specific user support (FAQs and s requests)

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 14 Possible Contribution of WDC Climate to AR5 WDCC plans to operate as one of the IPCC AR5 model data archives. WDCC plans to offer limited archive space and catalogue resources (CERA metadata) to store and to disseminate IPCC AR5 metadata and/or time series additionally to the Hamburg climate model. WDCC will continue IPCC DDC operations in cooperation with BADC (central archive of selected monthly mean time series and specific user support for WG II+III) WDCC data catalogue can be part of an IPCC AR5 data repository

M.Lautenschlager (WDCC / MPI-M) / / 15 WDCC metadata ISO Experiment DatasetExternal 3 DatasetExternal 2 DatasetExternal 1 http, grid, ftp, … WDCC metadata Experiment DatasetInternal 3 DatasetInternal 2 DatasetInternal 1 ISO User A1 B1 Possible Contribution of WDC Climate to AR5 Data download via WWW (http) of via script/batch (jdbc)