24/02/2016 Seminari PILE AICLE 1r any Curs PILE Year 1
Calendar Session 1 October 23rd 2012 Session 2 November 22nd 2012 Session 3 January 29th 2013 Session 4 March 7th 2013 Session 5 April 30th 2013 Session 6 May 30th 2013
Feelings about CLIL What do you Know about CLIL? What do you Want to learn about CLIL? What did you Learn about CLIL? KWL
Feelings about CLIL How we can learn more? KWLH
Main aims Our main aims are: To reflect on the CLIL theoretical and practical framework To share and analyze CLIL planning examples To advise and guide the CLIL units design and development To foster a CLIL effective implementation adding more resources and teaching repertoire This course is directed towards primary teachers involved in CLIL projects in their first year.
Ethos The disposition, character, or fundamental values peculiar to a specific person, people, culture, or movement. The distinctive spirit and attitudes of a culture or an era: The Greek Ethos or “The CLIL Ethos” Working in collaboration Sharing experiences Reflecting upon our teaching practice Motivating innovative teaching Creating a relaxed and non stressful atmosphere Overcoming fears and worries Modelling good teaching practices
Variations: Choose seven sentences and invent two. Create a Diamond 9 about “How to learn English” with your pupils. Statements about CLIL Diamond 9
From the statements about CLIL, write your own Definition of CLIL
24/02/2016 CLIL Definition Situations where subjects, or parts of subjects, are taught through a foreign language with dual-focussed aims, namely the learning of content, and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language, CLIL approach involves learning subjects such as History, Geography or others through and additional language. Any activity in which a foreign language is used as a tool in the learning of a non-language subjects in which both language and the subject have a joint role, David Marsh
24/02/2016 CLIL Definition CLIL is dynamic, a flexible concept where topics and subjects – foreign language and non-language subject/s – are integrated in some kind of mutually beneficial way so as to provide value-added to educational outcomes for the widest possible range of learners. Do Coyle, 2005
24/02/2016 CONTEXT CLIL in Europe by David Marsh CLIL in Europe
24/02/2016 Status of CLIL provision in primary and general secondary education, 2004 /2005 CLIL provision as part of mainstream school Education CLIL provision within pilot projects Combination of CLIL provision as part of mainstream school education and within pilot projects No CLIL provision
24/02/2016 Status of CLIL target languages used for CLIL in primary and general secondary education, 2006 /2007 Source: Eurydice
24/02/2016 C
CLIL A CATALUNYA PELE secundària –2005: 21 centres –2006: 35 centres –2007: 52 centres –2008: 67 centres (33 AICLE) PELE primària –2005: 21 centres –2006: 35 centres –2007: 52 centres –2008: 233 centres (90 AICLE) Estades de 10 setmanes a la Gran Bretanya/França o llicències D – : 2 (primària) i 7 (secundària) – : 9 (primària) i 10 (secundària) – : 20 (primària) i 24 (secundària) – : 20 (primària) i 8 (secundària) – : 30 (primària) i 30 (secundària)
Resources CIREL Delicious