Texas History- Week of Oct. 13 Mr. Locke
Monday, Oct 13th Holiday
Tuesday, Oct. 14th Writing presentation – NO CLASSES
Wednesday, Oct. 15th Afternoon classes only 4 th period Chapter 3 in workbook
FINISH Advertisement for your own Filibuster expedition On a piece of paper (I will provide), make an advertisement to encourage other Americans to join your filibuster expedition into Spanish Texas. -Include the goal or purpose of your expedition -Include why they should join you and what they will gain -Include artwork to illustrate what you hope to accomplish -Include your name (you are the leader of the trip!) Several students will present their work. Everyone will turn in for a grade.
Workbook – Chapter 4 Tear out and complete (front and back) Chapter 4 (page 23/24) from your workbook. Page 24 – REQUIRED Page 23 – EXTRA CREDIT
Closure Turn in Workbook page
Thursday, Oct. 16th Bell Ringer: Add 2 words to your vocabulary list: Conservatives- people who want to limit change and keep the old ways Republic- government where people elect representatives to make laws Consider (don’t write), think of ways that you can still see the Spanish influence on Texas today. We will discuss.
Spanish Influence on Texas Word “Texas” is from “Tejas”, which is a Spanish pronunciation of the Caddo word for “Friend” Every major river in Texas has a Spanish name, except the Red River 42 counties in Texas have Spanish names Names of many cities and towns (for example, “Amarillo” means “yellow” in Spanish for the color of the soil and wildflowers) Roman Catholicism European cattle from Spaniards spread Mesquite trees from the lower Texas coast northward and inward. Several legal concepts of Spanish origin retained: homestead exemption, adoption, community property in marriage Influences in foods, architecture, arts, etc.
Pages 90 and 91 Page 90 – Read “Spanish Contributions” Page 91 – Read “Mission and Architecture and Artifacts” - Answer 2 questions under Skills Assessment
Word Find Complete the Word Find. Finish at home.
Closure On a piece of paper, write a poem or short essay to a small child on the Spanish colonial period and/or the long-lasting Spanish influence on Texas. TURN IN FOR A GRADE
Friday, Oct. 17th Bell Ringer: Consider (don’t write), what have you found most interesting about the Spanish mission-presidio system in present-day Texas?
Open-book Quiz Stay in your seat, no talking.
Homework Write a detailed description of what daily life was like for a Native American living at a central Texas mission in the 1700’s. Must be at least 10 sentences long.