Year 10 Business Monday 16 th December 2013 Mr Nicholls
Objectives To consider the importance of deliberate creativity within the world of business. To ensure we are 100% confident on the subjects covered so far.
Deliberate Creativity… What do we mean by it? Basically – it’s the idea that people can be taught to come up with new ideas, so can force creativity – meaning it becomes deliberate rather than accidental.
So what do we mean? It’s quite simple – in fact you spent most of last lesson doing it. Take an idea – ask the simple question – how could it be changed?
For example… (from the text books) – During a meeting with Nestle (who make KitKat and Yorkie), someone wrote down about chocolate that “you eat it” – so Professor Sherwood posted the question, how might this be different? What else might we do with chocolate? The answers… Use it as a fragrance. For perfumed soaps, shampoos, air fresheners and so on. As a fire alarm – using its melting point as a way of identifying that a room is getting dangerously hot. We may well laugh – but these are of course actual things that it could be used for!
Next… Once the idea is generated then there needs to be two further steps: Evaluating whether the idea is a good sensible workable idea. Bringing the idea into reality. At this stage we need to introduce Professor Edward De Bono who had 6 thinking hats – each representing a different role needed…
6 Thinking Hats.
So it was suggested then… Key headings to be considered: Benefits Constituencies and Feelings Solutions Process Issues to be Managed Data Actions
So then… In your text books, on page 55 – please answer question A – then we’ll share our answers!