Lesson 6 Diffusion and Active Transport Ojectives Use models to show the spread of items through a membrane Define diffusion Explain the difference between diffusion and active transport and indicate why both are necessary Summarize the digestive process in the small intestine Bellwork (Spray air freshener before students arrive) How does the fragrance of flowers reach your nose? Can odors pass through solids? Explain. (Pass around a balloon with anise seeds in one and anise extract in the other) Why is the smell stronger in the balloon with the extract? (Introduce the word “diffusion” but don’t define yet)
If a _________ solution is placed inside a membrane then it..._________ because...______________ Which solution, sugar or starch, can pass through a membrane? Review safety tips on pg42. Be aware of any latex allergies 2 graduated cylinders, beaker, dialysis tubing, string, 2 test tubes, Benedict’s, Lugols, hot pot, pipette, sugar solution, starch solution, water
1.Label one test tube “sugar” and one “starch” 2.Use string to tie off one end of the tubing 3.Use a graduated cylinder to add 13 mL of each solution to the tubing 4.Rinse the outside of the tubing and place in the correct test tube 5.Add 8 mL of water to each test tube on the outside of the tubing 6.After sitting for 15 minutes remove the tubing (reading activity) 7.Add 8 drops of Benedict’s to the sugar test tube and heat for 1 min 8.Add 10 drops of Lugol’s to the starch test tube (I usually run off Student Sheet 6.1 on pages in the TM. ) Students should: -choose between the choices in parentheses, -complete the drawings using dots and arrows as instructed, -answer the questions.
Use the word diffusion to answer the original question Restate the hypothesis Use test results to support conclusion Reflecting on What You’ve Done p 45 in SG 1.Complete the student sheet 2.In terms of diffusion, what would happen if a bottle of food coloring was dropped into a pool? 3.Explain how the liver, pancreas and gall bladder aid in digestion in the small intestines (picture on pg 45). (answer in Spies reading p or cover it in teacher notes)
Diffusion Active transport Liver Bile Gall bladder Pancreas Selectively permeable
Diffusion and Active Transport: Getting From Here to There pg in SG 1.Why are active and passive transport both important in the absorption of digested nutrients from the small intestine into the bloodstream? 2.What is the energy called that allows active transport to occur? Spies-The Long and Winding Tube pg in SG 1.What is the pyloric sphincter and where is it located? 2.What is the function of the pancreas and how much pancreatic juice is secreted every day? 3.What is secreted by the gall bladder and what is its function? 4.When digestion is finally complete, what has become of the pizza? p63 #2, 3, 4 These could be some of your options if you do a homework sheet for the week.
Lesson Eight is a unit assessment. Consider running off student sheet 7.1, p 78 in the TM, and distribute it now so students can be working on it to get ready for the assessment. Consider a review day to go over these questions Borrow a digital balance from 6 th or 8 th grade AMSTI kits or contact your specialist to borrow one for a few days. Of course, you can always use an “old fashioned” triple beam balance as well. Must make 16 balls of clay that have the exact same mass