The Brain Emotion and Motivation Prof: T. Curwen
~ Behind every crooked thought is a crooked molecule `anonymous
Overview Basics on the brain Areas of brain involved in emotion Neurochemicals/neuropeptides Neuroscience studies of emotion
Plasticity Brains ability to repair itself Children’s brains show most plasticity Plasticity depends on extent of affect –Damaged –Destroyed
How the Brain is Studied 1) Brain Lesioning Abnormal disruption Produced –Surgically removing –Destroying with laser –Injecting a drug
2) Staining ~
Brain Imaging
PET and MRI scans
Structures of the Brain 3 major regions –Hindbrain – (next to the top of the spinal cord) –Midbrain – (above the hindbrain) –Forebrain - (uppermost region of the brain)
3 Brain Regions
Limbic system Forebrain Memory and emotion Determines what information stays in the cortex 2 primary structures Amygdala Hippocampus object discrimination Storage of memories Emotions
Forebrain Multimedia Mgr. 2004
Information movement To cortices
Hemispheres Cerebral cortex is divided into 2 hemispheres
Cerebral Cortex Most recently developed Highest mental functions occur here Connected to other parts of the brain Millions of connections to other parts of the brain
Corpus callosum
Lobes Each hemisphere is divided into 4 lobes –Occipital lobe –Temporal lobe –Frontal lobe –Parietal lobe
Occipital lobe – visual stimuli
Temporal lobe hearing, language processing, memory
Frontal lobe voluntary muscles, intelligence, language, planning, judgement, ?personality Prefrontal cortex – executive control (thought)
Parietal lobe – spatial, attention, motor control
Brain Division
Brain Regions and Responsibilities
Emotion hemispheric damage detect lies Does it matter which hemisphere is damaged?
Why does Neuroscience matter? get theoretical insights from neuroscience understand emotional processes that are hard to study evolutionary approach
Davidson all behavior is approach and avoidance How study without neuroscience? Evidence –Hemisphere –Children –Other research
Depression in brain Melancholia Anhedonia Hemisphere dominance
Dalai Lama Meditation –Does it change the brain? –Davidson study
The Amygdala and Unconscious Emotional Processing
LeDoux –unconscious affective appraisal system –Support/Research –Amygdala What happens when you knock out the amygdala
Knock out Knock out amygdala in monkeys Inappropriate emotional responses Do not learn from mistakes
Amygdala vs. Hippocampus out the amygdala but not the hippocampus can’t track the emotional significance of stimuli Can’t compare stimulus –Hippocampus – memory Brain responds to faces
Direct route to action Limbic system Action Stimuli/input
Unconscious emotion LeDoux Classical conditioning amygdala tracks emotional meaning infantile amnesia
D’Amasio Somatic marker hypothesis Feedback Research –Frontal lobe damage –Gut feeling, intuition
Neuropeptides Oxytocin Dopamine Norepinephrine Serotonin
Oxytocin and LOVE Love vs. desire Oxytocin released when touched Women have 7x’s more oxytocin Oxytocin promotes monogomy Chocolate and oxytocin