Laugh and the world Laughs with you
Kate Withington-Edwards Certified Laughter leader ADPC The health benefits of laughter Healing and laughter The positive effects of positive energy How to handle hard to handle people Laughter as a form of exercise Good hearted living™ The World Laughter Tour™ Paul Oliver Memorial Hospital Long Term Care Unit Frankfort, MI 49635
How your heart and brain are effected by laughter
Institute of heartmath The heart and brain maintain a continuous two- way dialogue, each influencing the other's functioning. The signals the heart sends to the brain can influence perception, emotional processing and higher cognitive functions. This system and circuitry is viewed by neurocardiology researchers as a "heart brain."
Endorphins as I see them
Would you rather be greeted by… ThisORThis
Human energy and happiness Think about a situation at work or at home where you have approached it in a negative manner. Now think of the same situation but choose a positive approach and see how it makes you feel. We produce 30 feet of energy in any given direction. Imagine what a room full of negative energy would feel like then imagine what a room full of positive energy would feel like! Laughter is a positive energy.
Intergenerational Laughter Workout The language of laughter
Less fattening than chocolate
Laughing babies eQk eQk