Nervous & Muscle Tissue cc: webtreats -
Nervous Tissue 1. Main component of the nervous system 2. Brain, spinal cord, and nerves cc: illuminaut -
Neurons 1. highly specialized 2. generate and conduct nerve impulses cc: juliendn -
Muscle Tissue Well vascularizedWell vascularized 3 types3 types Skeletal, cardiac, smoothSkeletal, cardiac, smooth cc: EUSKALANATO -
Skeletal 1. As they contract, they pull on bones or skin, causing body movements 2. Skeletal muscle cells are also called muscle fibers cc: Great Beyond -
Skeletal Striated, long, & cylindrical appearanceStriated, long, & cylindrical appearance cc: Rob Swatski -
Cardiac Muscle 1. Found only in heart 2. Also striated, but different from skeletal cc: P!XELTREE -
Cardiac 1. Uninucleate 2. Branching cells that fit together tightly and unique junctions called intercalated discs cc: Chocolate Geek -
Smooth 1. No visible striations 2. spindle shaped 3. One centrally located nucleus cc: milena mihaylova -
Smooth 1. walls of hollow organs other than the heart, 2. alternately contracts and relaxes 3. involuntary control cc: VinothChandar -