Complete exam on The House on Mango Street by finishing rhetorical analysis and synthesis essay
Work on packet/annotation to The House on Mango Street ; I will call you up to check it Work on project—due next class period with food
Share project on The House on Mango Street Enjoy cultural celebration based on The House on Mango Street If time, complete assignment on The Impact of Visual Text: A Viewing of “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore”; watch short film; analyze it; discuss it as a class Remember to work on reading your Read like a Rock Star book over Spring Break as your quiz will be on Thursday, March 22!
Work on peer editing of rough draft to poem analysis essay in Rm. 215; it is due tonight at 11:59 pm Give song presentation
Work on final draft to poem analysis essay in Rm. 213; it is due tonight at 11:59 pm Finish song presentation Finish Jabberwocky and write a poem with nonsense words Read and discuss: next to of course america i Driving to Town Late to Mail a Letter Birthday Cake Metaphors Turtles Write poems modeled after the poems we read, such as a poem on your favorite birthday and a poem without capitalization or punctuation Remember to work on reading your Read like a Rock Star book over Spring Break as your quiz will be on Wednesday, March 21!
Complete SAT/ACT Practice #4
Work on packet