Reading Comprehension
Dr. Clark´s Sharks a) Why Dr. Eugenie Clark open her own laboratory? - Because she wanted to experiment with fish and study them more. a) Why Dr. Clark´s visits to the aquarium were important for her? - They were important because helped her to identify that she wanted to be a scientist. a) Which is Dr. Clark´s contribution with society? What does she teach? - She teaches about the dangers of sharks. a) What important things did Dr. Clark do when she was older? b) - She wrote books and articles, she also rode n a whale shark.
1) Why did Shawn and his family move to the country? - They moved because they were tired of the frantic pace of city life. 1) What events happened in the story that made Shawn feel bad of been in the country? - A goat ate his birthday cake, he had no friends. 1) What did Shawn expected of Kwan´s visit? - That Kwan was going to be bored as ke was in the country. 1) How Shawn ideas change at the end of the story? - He notices that the country is not bored and that he can many many activities and have fun.
If I sleep late, I will sleep in class the next day. I study hard, I will pass the exam. EFFECT
Linking verb Action verb
Identify the Direct Object of each sentence: The candidate made many promises during the campaign. I lost my voice before the play. Mother will drive Kim to her swimming lesson. Miss Hayes reviews movies for the local paper. Rhonda has a theory about the robbery. The buffet included three salads.