Drug Pricing and the Impact on Treatment Access - International Wim Vandevelde - European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) 2010 HIV Research Catalyst Forum April Baltimore
Warning: European health care “socialist”!
Europe’s Internal Market 27 countries in the European Union, aka the “Internal Market” – 500 Mio customers distinct national regulatory approaches in health care legislation Central approval of new drugs by EMA National Marketing authorisations
European reference price vs national price-setting National marketing authorisations National price negotiations and discounts ARVs reimbursed by the National HC Systems European reference price bracket
UK - France - Germany distinct regulatory approaches UK: profit control for patented drugs, maximum reimbursement price with pharmacy clawback for generics Germany: until 2010 no price control for patented drugs, reference price system for generics (now also includes patented drugs) France: price negotiation for patented drugs, less of an emphasis (historically) on the generic market; moved to generic drug reference pricing in 2003
Developing world Generic competition WHO-prequalication New WHO treatment guidelines criteria Continued patent/IPR issues
Martin Delaney