TARGET GOAL #1 Circle: You are living in each country during the years following the Great Depression and fully support your new dictator (Germany, Soviet Union, Japan, Italy). Design T-shirts to sell at a parade gathering to honor your new leader. Your T-shirt must include their symbol, a slogan, the leaders name and the country’s flag. (Name can be included in slogan). Triangle: Create a propaganda poster for two nations under dictatorship. Must include picture and words that would persuade someone to join the political party Star: research one of the dictators ideology and write a 3 paragraph speech about how their views will improve the nation.
TARGET GOAL #2 Circle: Use your notes to create a cartoon of America’s views on war and ultimately America’s entry into WWII. Minimum of 6 full panels. Color and write neatly Triangle: Create a song encouraging Americans to join the war effort after Pearl Harbor; needs to be at least 20 lines long; original lyrics; must demonstrate an understanding of WWII concepts Star: Using your notes as a timeline, write a newspaper article that brings America from being neutral to entering the war; must be at least a page long, include a picture with caption, headline, and written in 3 rd person with correct spelling and grammar. You are writing for either a German, Italian or Japanese newspaper
TARGET GOAL #3 Circle: Japanese Internment Camps and Korematsu v. US—see handout Triangle: go to the following website and answer the four questions at the top under Learning Activity based on the facts below: Then go to the website for Star and click teaching and do one of the cartoon analysis Answer the questions for a cartoon Star: Take a closer look at the case ( Click background with the one dot and answer the questions at the bottom Then go to Teaching Click political cartoons, choose one and answer the six questions Then click Question of Loyalty; and do 1-3 at the bottom
TARGET GOAL #4 Circle: Should Truman have given the order to drop the A-bomb? Read the for and against arguments, create a chart and defend your answer using evidence from the readings. Triangle: Write four journal entries as a person who survived the atomic bomb. Research survivors stories and extract details to place yourself in their situation. Read multiple accounts to get a full grasp on the impact the bomb had on society. Each journal entry needs to be ½ page long. Star: Move through this site, read the articles and then decide for yourself if dropping the bomb was the right decision. 3 paragraphs of persuasion! You must reference the articles in your writing. (Ending the War, Development, Human Perspective)