The Drinking Water Directive: EurEau perspective Arjen Frentz Chairman EurEau Commission on Drinking Water DWD technical workshop, October 7th, 2015
EurEau.Water EurEau European umbrella Federation of national drinking water and waste water associations: +/ utilities Members: provide water supply and sanitation at affordable prices in a sustainable way Founded in 1975 Consensus approach and the voice of the water sector in Europe Platform: expertise and knowledge exchange Members: from 25 EU MS, Norway, Switzerland and Serbia.
EurEau.Water Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC) Member States shall take measures necessary to ensure that water intended for human consumption is free from any substances in concentrations that constitute a potential danger to human health and thus emphasising the relevance of the precautionary principle in water policies.
EurEau.Water Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) Ensure the necessary protection with the aim of avoiding deterioration in water quality in order to reduce the level of purification treatment in the production of drinking water (article 7); Polluter Pays principle; Requiring Member States to ensure that under the water treatment regime applied the resulting water will meet the requirements of the Drinking Water Directive.
EurEau.Water EurEau position on the DWD Good directive for protection of consumers health; Evaluation is a good opportunity to address key challenges; However, any revision should be: Risk based (Risk Assessment/Risk Management Approach) Proportionality/Subsidiarity (specific circumstances MS) Based on robust scientific evidence (WHO)
EurEau.Water Revision should have: Firm legal basis (risk based approach not only in annexes); Better alignment with WFD & other policy areas: Prevention at source approach (“End-of-pipe”- treatment is last resort); European approach on products and materials in contact with drinking water.
Thank you for your attention Rue du Luxembourg 47-51, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 (0) Fax: +32 (0) BE EurEau. Water Matters. Arjen Frentz Chairman EurEau Commission on Drinking Water Dep. Director Vewin (Association of Dutch Water Companies)