SME Funding Winston Smit 24 November 2010
[Southern Africa/Forests] Slide 2 Key Strategic Drivers for SME in Forestry Sector Forestry Sector BBBEE Transformation Charter Land Reform Programme – Restitution and Redistribution Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) Transfer of State forestry assets
[Southern Africa/Forests] Slide 3 Sappi – Key Facts Sappi is a global pulp and paper company and has operations on 4 continents Sappi subscribes to the BBBEE principles and has recently completed an empowerment deal worth R 842 million Sappi is a Level 3 contributor Sappi scored out of 15 for Enterprise Development Sappi has its own in-house SME development centre
[Southern Africa/Forests] Slide 4 Opportunities for SME in forestry sector The Forestry industry is highly technical and has high barriers to entry, but opportunities exist for SME in the value chain Plantation management Planting and weed control Fire fighting Harvesting and transport Pole manufacturing Charcoal manufacturing Saw milling
[Southern Africa/Forests] Slide 5 What makes an SME successful? Passion – entrepreneur must have passion for his product Funding – crucial in the different stages from pre-startup through to growth phase Market – access to markets Technical knowledge – of his product and industry Business knowledge – how to run and manage a business Business systems – financial, HR, risk management, etc Mentorship – crucial to any business especially during pre-startup, startup and growth phases
[Southern Africa/Forests] Slide 6 Funding and funding challenges There are many ways to fund SME’s e.g. preferential capital, private equity and bank loans Challenges: SME not always attractive for banks SME not always aware of funding sources and if, how to access it Lending criteria from financial institutions very onerous Lack of credit worthiness and SME unable to provide security Regulatory environment
[Southern Africa/Forests] Slide 7 Institutions currently involved in SME financing Commercial banks IDC – involved in the entire forestry value chain Ithala Bank Development Bank of South Africa Forestry companies such as Sappi, Mondi and Hans Merensky National Empowerment Fund Government support programmes under DTI, DRDLR and DAFF
[Southern Africa/Forests] Slide 8 The way forward The success of SME development will require a strong partnership with FIETA, the private sector and appropriate Government Departments Development of business support centers in the rural areas which can provide much needed business support and advice Institute securities and guarantee schemes Institute dedicated grant incentive schemes Develop mechanisms to reduce transaction costs associated with SME funding and support services
[Southern Africa/Forests] Slide 9 THANK YOU