Mini Project - Expressive Portrait Painting GCSE Fast Track Mini Project - Expressive Portrait Painting Portrait of Lucian Freud on Orange Couch by Francis Bacon, 1965
How to use this PowerPoint Use this PP to plan and produce development work for your expressive painting. You can always access it via the art website: Green slides signal the start of a new stage in your planning or sketchbook
Monday 26th November 2012 WHAT: Create an expressive portrait acrylic painting for the project Planning deadline: Tuesday 11th December ( 3 weeks planning) Mock exam and portfolio deadline: Friday 14th, Monday 17thDecember WHY TRY CONFIDENT Develop sophisticated and imaginative ideas Show a very strong and sustained ability to experiment with materials and processes COHERENT Undertake purposeful investigations to develop ideas Show a strong and consistent ability to experiment with materials and processes COMPETENT Present an informed and meaningful personal response Show a sound ability to experiment with materials and processes (Success criteria) Use primary source material. Link to an artist Focus on facial features and tones Consider distorting the face to add expression. Consider adding objects and symbolism CHALLENGE
Planning stages (green slides) You will be given a new sketchbook for the mini project ONLY WORK ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER You will cut up the book to create a number of A3 boards using the planning stages below Early intentions Artist investigations Primary investigations (photography) Acrylic painting experiments Final design and practice painting Final painting (on canvas in mock exam)
Stage 1: Write your early intentions Use the 4 headings to write down the task in your own words and what you hope to create (your intentions) Creating an expressive portrait TOP TIP: You could include some small thumbnail drawings to show your idea visually Content Process Meaning Purpose
Stage 2: Artist investigations Use the following expressive portraits to help identify an artist who will inspire your work. Produce enough work to fill an A3 board that analyses the artist’s work Include images, drawings and annotations using the 4 headings. TOP TIPS: Use the links on the pages to find accurate information about the artists Always highlight WHY you have chosen the artist and how they will inspire you to achieve your intentions
Francis Bacon WHY this artist? Francis Bacon is well known for distorting the face and features to create mood, movement and expression. Portrait of Lucian Freud on Orange Couch by Francis Bacon, 1965
Frida Kahlo WHY this artist? Frida Kahlo uses objects in her paintings that symbolise thoughts and feelings about her life. What do you think the thorn necklace symbolises? Self-portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird,
Frida Kahlo de Rivera (July 6, 1907- July 13, 1954; born Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderón)[2][3] was a Mexican painter, born in Coyoacán,[4] who is best known for her self-portraits.[5] Kahlo had a volatile marriage with the famous Mexican artist Diego Rivera. She suffered lifelong health problems, many of which derived from a traffic accident she experienced as a teenager. These issues are represented in her works, many of which are self-portraits of one sort or another. Kahlo suggested, "I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best."[9] She also stated, "I was born a bitch. I was born a painter."[ taken from Wikipedia Nov 2012
Peter Blake WHY this artist? Peter Blake uses objects from the culture of his youth to show the trends and fashions of that time. What are the badges on his jacket and the book in his hand? 'Self-Portrait with Badges' 1961
Lucian Freud WHY this artist? Lucian Freud is considered a master of painting skin tones. How many different colours or tones can you see in his face? “I paint people, not because of what they are like, not exactly in spite of what they are like, but how they happen to be” Lucian Freud Quote Reflection (Self-portrait), 1985
Lucian Freud was one of the great realist painters of the twentieth century. He had a life-long preoccupation with the human face and figure. Family, friends and lovers were his subjects and, sometimes, when no-one else was available, himself. Sitters were drawn from all walks of life, from the aristocracy to the criminal underworld, but he rarely took on commissions. Freud’s portraits often record the life of a relationship. Highly personal and private, they are an enigmatic record of time spent behind the closed door of the studio.
Stage 3: Primary Investigations This portrait must come from primary source material. This means a self portrait OR a portrait of a friend or family member. Take a range of expressive photographs of the subject’s face Consider unusual angles and dramatic lighting (your teacher can help with this) Present the photos and make sketches from at least 3. Make notes about how suitable the photos could be for your intentions for the painting. TOP TIP: Use the yellow annotation resources in the classroom and on the website to extend your vocabulary when discussing your ideas:
Expressive photo portraits using dramatic lighting...
Stage 4 – Acrylic Painting Experiments
Stage 5: Final Design and Practice Painting