GNSSN Workshop on National Nuclear Regulatory Portals 04–06 July 2011, Bonn National Nuclear Regulatory Portal of the Republic of Belarus Arthur V. Kuvshinnikov Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Ministry for Emergency Situations REPUBLIC OF BELARUS
Architecture of the NNRP 123 2
NNRP Home page of Belarus
Governmental Bodies responsible for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Issues
Country Nuclear Regulatory Profile (CNRP) structure
Radiation and nuclear facilities and activities
Responsibilities and functions of the government (Requirements 1-13 of GSR-1 )
Responsibilities and functions of the Regulatory Body (Requirements of GSR-1 )
Regulatory Pyramid
Regulatory Pyramid (2)
Regulatory Pyramid (3)
IAEA Cooperation
Additional Links
Bilingual Approach Level 0 Level 1 Level X Level 4 English language siteRussian language site …………………………………... RussianEnglish Russian ….. 14
Russian language NNRP page (1)
Russian language NNRP page (2)
Thank you for your attention.