Imaging Techniques for Rock Characterization and EOR Processes 16. October 2012 Jarand Gauteplass Department of Physics and Technology University of Bergen
MRI-experiment CT-experiment
Experimental procedure: MRI-experiment
Experimental procedure: CT-experiment
Ambient temperature, 1200 psi CHP_CO2_2
Ambient temperature and pressure
Outcrop from Portland quarry in Ålborg, DK Similar to chalk reservoir rock in the North sea Effective porosity: 42 – 48% Abs permeability: 2 – 6 mD 99% calcite, 1% quartz
Results: Rock characterization using CT 40 x 40 x 42 microns resolution 1.5“ Rørdal chalk
Results: Rock characterization using CT 40 x 40 x 42 microns resolution 1.5“ Rørdal chalk
Results: Rock characterization using CT 40 x 40 x 42 microns resolution 1.5“ Rørdal chalk
Results: Rock characterization using CT 40 x 40 x 42 microns resolution 1.5“ Rørdal chalk
Ambient temperature, 1200 psi CHP_CO2_8
Results: CO 2 injection One SWW Rørdal chalk core (IAH=1.0) Liquid CO 2 conditions First contact miscible displacement Imaged using industrial CT
0 PV CO 2
0.01 PV
0.04 PV
0.07 PV
0.10 PV
0.12 PV
0.15 PV
0.18 PV
0.21 PV
0.24 PV
0.27 PV
0.30 PV
0.33 PV
0.36 PV
0.38 PV
0.41 PV
0.44 PV
0.48 PV
0.53 PV
0.59 PV
0.65 PV
0.88 PV
1.06 PV
Conclusions Shear bands identified Small heterogeneties have a large impact on core floods