Board Game Madness!! By: Kendall, Roma and Leslie Click to Start
You and your friends Roma and Kendall are playing a game of Candyland. Roma got double orange, Kendall got Lolly, and you got a rare card that says DO NOT TOUCH. Choice A Ignore the card and keep playing. Choice A Choice B Touch the card. Choice B
You just ignore the card and keep playing until Kendall gets Princess Frosting and wins the game. Back to Beginning
You touch the card and all of the sudden … POP! Smoke is everywhere and you find your self standing on Hershey’s Chocolate. In the distance you see peppermint candy canes as trees, lollipops as flowers, cotton candy as clouds and Mr. Mint standing next to the peppermint forest. Choice A Follow Mr. Mint into the peppermint forest. Choice A Choice B You decide to follow the path to King Candies Castle. Choice B
You decided to follow the path to King Candie’s castle and you suddenly step on a rainbow square and BOOM you are back in your room doing your homework!!!!!! Back to Beginning
You follow Mr. Mint into the peppermint forest of wonder! All of the sudden a herd of candy cane sheep come galloping toward you. Choice A You try to out run the sheep in the forest. Choice A Choice B Run out of the forest and try and find your way home. Choice B
The sheep trample over you, and it hurts so much you pass out. When you wake up you find yourself in a liquorish square. Choice A Try and get out of the liquorish square. Choice A Choice B Stay put and wait for someone to help you. Choice B
You decided to run but when you were running Jolly Gum Drop noticed you and took you into his prison. When he noticed that you didn’t belong there. He popped you back home and the Candy Land adventure is over. Back to Beginning
Ending You decide to stay on the liquorish square, and POOF! A beautiful princess in a pink and white gown appears. “Hi, I’m Princess Frosting, what are you doing here?” “I’ve been playing Candy Land with my friends and got a strange card, so now I’m here.” “Well in that case, I should take you home, your mother must be worried.” Sparks and glitter erupted in the air and you find yourself back in your old room. “Were have you been?” your mother scolds. “Somewhere magical and sweet.” you say with a smile.
Ending You decided that you will try to get out, but it’s impossible because nobody is playing Candy Land. After a few minutes you suddenly pop out and forget everything that happen. And you are home.